Example sentences of "[subord] read the " in BNC.

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1 There are some exceptional occasions , when management want to convey a very precise message to a large number of employees , where reading the presentation may be justified .
2 Mona watched Sheila more devour than read the results .
3 Agencies that dream up advertisements to go in magazines could do worse than read the publications first
4 She had time to do no more than read the names on the other four sheets .
5 My hon. Friend is right to say that the local income tax is not an alternative to council tax which commends itself to Conservative Members — or even to most Opposition Members , and he is right to say that anybody interested in knowing why local income tax will not work could do no better than to read the report of our proceedings in Committee .
6 The idea of a book each a year from the three editors seemed to calm him and I am sure he realizes that this involves more than reading the one script .
7 Finding the winner of the Harcros Timber & Building Supplies Stayers Championship Final ( Handicap ) is an even tougher task than reading the race name .
8 This seems reasonable , because reading the bar code into a supermarket checkout system would result in this sort of information being displayed , and printed on the receipt .
9 Kathy and John Reynolds ( from Reynolds Brothers , Sydney , probably the largest machine knitting shop in Australia ) both told me that when the Kh900 arrived recently , they found out how to use it by opening the box and using the machine while reading the instruction book .
10 A RADIO announcer fainted while reading the news yesterday .
11 Each sends out some sort of hormonal signal , while reading the corresponding signal sent out by the other .
12 One was hoovering up a plate of sausage and chips while reading the Sun .
13 While reading the anonymous notes the glimmering of an idea had come to him but he could not sharpen the focus .
14 All these characteristics could only ever induce conflict between a family and potential division and so one must remember while reading the play that Mary is not the only one who suffers nor the only cause of anxiety .
15 This should be borne in mind while reading the following descriptions so that the medium does not become confused with the aims .
16 Whilst reading the following paragraphs keep an eye on checklist 2 , and also consider the program personality headings together with program style suggestions , as decisions about these will influence the presentation of the content of the lesson and affect the environment finally created in the classroom .
17 * Read the last page of the book or article : with any luck it will summarise what went before , so you can choose whether to read the whole volume .
18 Refer to the available photographs when reading the exercise description , and practise them on their own first before attempting a whole session .
19 It is certainly not intended that intrusion of any kind should be encouraged into an area of the child 's experience which must be sensitively respected , and this must be kept in mind when reading the section ‘ My family ’ .
20 I 've picked A minor ( or C major ) for our four examples , as this is a common key for jamming and there are no sharps or flats to worry about when reading the licks .
21 I exclaimed — as once I had exclaimed when reading the Electra .
22 Imagine his surprise when reading the article on the Benson Bf 109G in your July issue to find that this aircraft was in fact one of ‘ his ’ !
23 It follows that , when reading the reports of studies such as this , it is essential to be clear about the choices that the researcher made when deciding on the population to be surveyed .
24 There are two main points that the reader needs to bear in mind when reading the rest of this book , or any other on physiological psychology .
25 Questions which it is worth keeping in mind when reading the remaining chapters in this book would be the following :
26 It is important , when reading the plays , not to overlook the specific signal system within which they were performed .
27 ( I was a little jealous — who would not be , when reading the private journal of a man you love and finding in it no mention of yourself , but instead only lush apostrophes to verminous whores ? )
28 Another possible reason is if the same file had previously been written on a 360K drive ; it 's wider track confuses the low capacity drive 's read heads when reading the higher capacity drive 's over-printed trace .
29 It 's small links like this that only fit together if you are quite alert when reading the book and remember small factors such as a yellow ribbon in a drawer and a gold locket around someone 's neck .
30 They have taken as read the scientific conclusions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that global warming is a real threat .
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