Example sentences of "[subord] of pressure " in BNC.

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1 An NMFS regulation brought into force in January 1981 to disallow night sets by US boats was dropped after only 8 days because of pressure from the tuna industry .
2 According to the NAO , in one division conservation work had slipped to an almost negligible level in 1989/90 because of pressure of work , a high level of vacancies and lack of expertise .
3 ‘ In one division in midlands and western region , conservation work had slipped to an almost negligible level in 1989/90 because of pressure of work , a high level of vacancies and lack of expertise , ’ says the report .
4 The marriage of James 's son James IV to Margaret Tudor , from which the Stewart claim to the English throne derived , came about more because of pressure from Henry VII than from any Scottish enthusiasm ; and the Treaty of Perpetual Peace which accompanied it would last for no more than eleven years , collapsing because James could not sustain his obligations to both France and England when Henry VIII joined the pope 's grotesquely named Holy League against France .
5 The opinion gained ground — an opinion with which Eric Ashby would evidently have had some sympathy — that the employment of a full-time tutor for the county , whether by the WEA or by the University Extra-Mural Board , placed constraints on branches ' freedom to choose subjects of study because of pressure to find a viable programme for the full-timer to teach .
6 Many candidates who start at the bottom skip grades on the way up , or , perhaps because of pressure of other work , take more than a year between adjoining grades .
7 ( CFCs used to be used in aerosols but , because of pressure from consumers and environmentalists , few aerosols in Britain now employ CFCs . )
8 They claimed the ban had been imposed because of pressure from Dublin .
9 High-profile industry columnist Will Zachmann who wrote for PC Week for years says he left Ziff-Davis ' employ because of pressure brought to bear to write more favourably about Microsoft and Windows .
10 Because of pressure from many different lobbies , government has for some time been considering in what way to respond to it .
11 In one a term of three months ' imprisonment was imposed in respect of much publicised suggestions by a trade union official that a particular decision had been reached only because of pressure exerted by a demonstrating rank and file .
12 This seems self-evident , but many Chairmen , because of pressure of other work , come to meetings less than well prepared .
13 ( 1973 ) and Hamnett and Randolph ( 1983a ) , much of the urban-rural shift in the more heavily populated parts of the country would seem to comprise essentially suburban movements which have been forced to become ‘ exurban ’ and inter-urban because of pressure on space .
14 In 1950 , because of pressure of work on Grove , Blom gave up the important editorship of Music & Letters , which he had held since 1937 .
15 Because of pressure from the business community in the US , many local governments are providing more of this kind of information ; indeed there are examples of reports including a set of fund accounts and a set of accounts based on a proprietary view .
16 In most cases , however , it seemed that the questionnaire had not been returned because of pressure of work and ‘ simply not getting round to it ’ .
17 The venue has been changed from Scottish Churches House because of pressure on places at the last conference .
18 Do n't be tempted to put off dealing with any items because of pressure of time ; in the long run of the whole transaction you will save time , and possible error too , by preparing all the documents at once , whilst the matter is fresh in your mind .
19 We might have said no but that 's what it was because of pressure put on this side
20 Mr Kerfoot said this week that in 1988 one of his oil suppliers on the Rhine had been keen to send raw material to Britain by rail instead of road because of pressure from the German Government .
21 If one hospital 's unit is full because of pressure from theatres or road accidents , units in adjacent hospitals were used in South Tees 's case , units in North Tees or Darlington , he said .
22 But Coun David Lyonette ( Lab ) , who chaired last night 's Darlington Cycling Forum meeting , said the decision had been taken because of pressure from disabled groups .
23 They did not contest that they participated in the crime ring , but said they had no choice because of pressure from Chinese secret societies .
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