Example sentences of "[subord] [art] person " in BNC.

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1 It should be noted that help from the Social Fund for funeral expenses is only available where there is insufficient money in the estate , and where the person making the arrangements is in receipt of income support , housing benefit or community charge benefit , or is the partner of someone receiving these benefits .
2 These circumstances arise where the person who has died has no relatives or friends who would undertake the organisation , and has not made advance arrangements .
3 Carers and friends need to start where the person is at , and not wonder how it is that someone can seem so upset at the death of a pet and yet apparently unmoved by the untimely death of their spouse .
4 Thus , execution in rem can have been available only where the person sued was actually in possession of the object .
5 In other words , the test situation is open-ended — unlike the usual intelligence test , where the person is required to reach a single ( correct ) solution .
6 If the situation is one where the person in question is seeking accommodation , the receptionist may ask the prospective guest to pay for the accommodation , in advance .
7 The most common sort of violation of autonomy is paternalism — where the person is coerced into giving up some or all of it .
8 This can be seen in melancholia , where the person feels worthless as the super-ego mercilessly criticizes the ego .
9 This applies only where the person dealing with the company does not know that the action is beyond the powers of the company 's directors under its constitution ( s. 35A(1) — ( 3 ) CA ) .
10 Where the person is a living human person no particular problem arises , but sometimes the personality is a legal fiction , as in the case of a corporation .
11 Where the person applying for leave to make an application for a section 8 order is not the child concerned , the court shall , in deciding whether or not to grant leave , have particular regard to — ( a ) the nature of the proposed application for the section 8 order ; ( b ) the applicant 's connection with the child ; ( c ) any risk there might be of that proposed application disrupting the child 's life to such an extent that he would be harmed by it ; and ( d ) where the child is being looked after by a local authority — ( i ) the authority 's plans for the child 's future ; and ( ii ) the wishes and feelings of the child 's parents .
12 Usually all the court is asked , or needs , to do is to authorise a particular course of treatment where the person or body whose consent is requisite is unable or unwilling to do so .
13 Only where the person using the foul language makes it plain that he has no intention of resorting to violence , and there is no bystander who is likely to be provoked by what the defendant is doing , is no offence committed under this section .
14 One of the defects under the previous law was that where the person being addressed was a police constable no offence was committed , since a constable would be unlikely , because of his training , to react by being provoked into breaking the peace .
15 All of these defences apply only where the person is not shown to have intended to stir up racial hatred , and all of the participants have the defence that they had no reason to suspect that the material was threatening , abusive or insulting .
16 This seems a particularly harsh result where the person assaulted was in plain clothes , and it may be doubted whether it can be justified in principle .
17 As to the actual transfer itself , the Court had already held in Case 105/84 , Mikkelsen[1985] ECR 2639 that ‘ the protection which the Directive is intended to guarantee is however redundant where the person concerned decides of his own accord not to continue the employment relationship with the new employer after the transfer … ’ and so resigns or terminates the employment by agreement from the date of the transfer ( point 16 ) .
18 The infinitives of such verbs are found only where the person of their support is specified ( We want it to snow ) , but not when the support is left undefined , as in certain exclamations , and not in the function of subject ( * To snow is pleasant ) .
19 1 Where the person bringing an action to recover land , or some person through whom he claims , has been in possession of the land , and has while entitled to the land been dispossessed or discontinued his possession , the right of action shall be treated as having accrued on the date of the dispossession or discontinuance .
20 Where the person under disability wishes to be a plaintiff or applicant , before commencing proceedings , if he is a mental patient and a person is authorised by order of the Court of Protection to conduct the proceedings , then that person must file in the court office a sealed office copy of the Court of Protection 's order ( Ord 10 , r 2(a) ) .
21 Where the person under disability is a defendant or respondent , and a person proposes to act as " guardian ad litem " , he should deliver to the court office a defence , answer , counterclaim or admission , and if he is appointed to act by order of the Court of Protection , a sealed copy of the order .
22 Where the person is present or represented the following wording may be used : Unless by [ 4 pm on Friday 13 June 19 ] The defendant [ serves his list of documents ] the defence be struck out and judgment entered for the plaintiff with costs .
23 Where the person applying for a Certificate of Judgment is not a party , he must state in writing with particulars the purpose for which he requires the Certificate of Judgment and the capacity in which he applies and must satisfy the district judge that the application may properly be granted .
24 In calculating whether there has been a reduction in the estate of the transferor one ignores the value of any excluded property which ceases to form part of the transferor 's estate as a result of the transfer ( excluded property includes property situated outside the United Kingdom where the person beneficially entitled to it is an individual domiciled outside the United Kingdom ) .
25 2.1 Express indications of confidentiality Where the person disclosing information expressly states to the recipient that it is being disclosed in confidence this will usually suffice to impose an obligation of confidence ( assuming the information has the necessary quality of confidence ) .
26 In addition , although the test of incorporation is generally objective , special steps may be necessary where the person seeking to rely on the terms knows that the other person is under a disability ; for instance , that he can not read the language in which the terms are printed ( Geier v Kujawa [ 1970 ] 1 Lloyd 's Rep 364 ) .
27 Where the person ‘ is not in a position to express a view , the least unsatisfactory test is to ask what one would choose for oneself : would I choose death rather than have that sort of life ? ’
28 In the case of a minor , or of a mental patient where no person is authorised to act for him by the Court of Protection , then the " next friend " must file a written undertaking ( N 235 ) , attested as would be an affidavit , to be responsible for costs ( Ord 10 , r 2(b) ) .
29 The Commissioner referred to the letter to Age Concern England in 1988 , from Nicholas Scott ( now Minister for Social Security and Disabled People ) which stated , ‘ In the last analysis , where a person in a home can no longer meet his fees but still requires nursing home or residential home care it will fall to the NHS or local authority as appropriate to provide that care if it is not otherwise available to the person ’ .
30 The offence is committed where a person recklessly engages in conduct which places another person in danger of death or serious bodily injury .
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