Example sentences of "[subord] [art] quarter " in BNC.

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1 We 're going to get more so it 's going to be a bigger piece that that is n't it it 's going to be bigger than the quarter .
2 Can you see any pieces that are bigger than the quarter ?
3 Although conditions were a little better in that there was a bit of breeze at times during the night , the moon had grown to a full half rather than the quarter it had been .
4 The scheme did not focus on the mentally frail ; although a quarter of the cases involved some confusion or disorientation , only three per cent involved severe confusion .
5 In 1989 they accounted for more than a quarter of BR 's total charter-train revenue — and the trend is ever upwards .
6 In a sector where the income from sales of tickets represented less than a quarter of total expenditure , there was little else one could expect .
7 In 1984 , foresters found that 20 per cent of the Norway spruce in West Germany 's forests had lost more than a quarter of their needles .
8 This was augmented by Hastings 's conversion and two penalties , and only now , with more than a quarter of the match gone , did France pull themselves together and begin to pull back the Lions ' lead .
9 Less than a quarter claimed to be ( or looked ) miserable or confused .
10 And all are derived from one Pininfarina concept car — the Dino Berlinetta Speciale — which made its debut more than a quarter of a century ago at the 1965 Paris show .
11 The sole Dino Berlinetta Speciale is now part of the permanent collection of the Le Mans car museum in France , a fitting place for a car that drew its design inspiration from the first mid-engined Ferrari sports racing cars and which shocked the world at Paris more than a quarter of a century ago .
12 While industry sources suggest up to 200 could be employed , Lesli O'Dowd estimates the likely figure at less than a quarter of that , with perhaps as few as 10–15 jobs for local people .
13 The Ministry of Agriculture 's latest published studies show that more than a quarter of pig kidneys sampled in 1985 had residues of sulphadimidine at average levels 11 times higher than the Government 's safety limits .
14 At one point the queue stretched four deep for more than a quarter of mile .
15 British officials said that no more than a quarter of the meeting had been taken up with the ‘ general issues ’ raised by the Chinese .
16 Office rents have soared in London over the past couple of years but political factors are also significant as government departments make up more than a quarter of moves .
17 With a burden of about 150 kilograms — equal to more than a quarter of its body weight — a camel burns only around 15 per cent more fuel than it burns unladen .
18 The vessel was carrying one million litres ( more than a quarter of a million US gallons ) of oil , diesel , jet fuel , and compressed gas .
19 And political apathy reigns : despite the significance of the election , fewer than a quarter of Mrs Molina 's constituents bothered to vote in the run-off .
20 Except that , under the Broadcasting Act , passed last November , not more than a quarter of the music INR1 broadcasts can be ‘ pop ’ .
21 Barbados , which even now has little more than a quarter of a million people , has led the way with a roll of honour of mind-boggling proportions .
22 After the 1945 election more than a quarter of the Conservative parliamentary party had been at Eton .
23 Roughly a third of the population are estimated to have suffered directly from the bombing : more than a quarter of homes in Germany were damaged in some way ; fourteen million persons lost some property through bombing ; between seventeen and twenty millions were deprived at some time of electricity , gas , or water ; nearly five millions had to evacuate because of ‘ air terror ’ ; 305,000 people were killed .
24 The SNP needs a swing of nearly 9 per cent but the polls show the Nationalists gaining ground in Scotland and Labour and the Liberals — who accounted for more than a quarter of the vote in Galloway last time — are likely to be squeezed .
25 But it is very unlikely that enough super-delegates , more than a quarter of whom have already endorsed Clinton , would gang up to deny him the title .
26 In both New York and Kansas , where Clinton also won the Democratic primary comfortably last Tuesday , more than a quarter of voters said they would vote Perot for President if he ran .
27 More than a quarter of French farms are smaller than five hectares and are concentrated in the poorer southern and western regions .
28 In part , this reflected the greatly reduced role of hospital services , which fell from three-quarters to little more than a quarter of all residential places .
29 The reef was now less than a quarter of a mile away .
30 Less than a quarter were in favour of the government having the power to expropriate land , which offers little support to the opposition to the landed elite thesis ( Johnson 1972 ) .
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