Example sentences of "[v-ing] to sort " in BNC.

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1 Yes I mean th th th th the fact that you 've got a whole range of problems an an and you , you were bound to come up against those problems if you try and define Marxist in a strict sense , and therefore you , you were always seeking to sort of make .
2 I mean if you 're going to sort of er er dr vary your driving a little bit to put in the techniques that you think should be put over , that 's good .
3 If you have a more considerate attitude one where you 're going to sort of give way to people , show a little bit more consideration to other road users , I think you 'd find that it 's gon na it pays off .
4 And all these are going to sort of pile up so that your The chemistry that you do know is going to you know
5 It 's interesting though , that after all this aggravation , the fact that er the Prime Minister nearly lost his job , er there was nearly another election erm there 's going to be no celebrations , no fireworks , no balloons , no huge dinners on Monday we 're just going to sort of peter into the Maastricht treaty coming into effect .
6 we 're not doing it again , I do n't think she will , but I mean I think we need to be sort of positive about how we are going to sort of
7 Find some t , time in each day when you are idle , do n't structure every single part of the twenty four hours , some time when you 're going to sort of be , do nothing .
8 Y , you , you h , you want , you 've got to go for neutral colours , that 's going to sort of stress the less number of people have n't you ?
9 Now I , I , I er our , our , in a sense our policy now is that we 're going to sort of readjust the policy in , in the north .
10 Heathrow is actually going to sort of lose ground in competition with other international airports and particularly within Europe .
11 Well , what we were going to sort of do , is similar to what you lot did , but it kinda came out wrong .
12 Well I mean it 's going to sort of s start shooting up to round about a thousand pound then you 'll have to have a word with Tom .
13 Especially if I 'm going to sort of give you things like Y equals erm cos E to the minus K X. I mean it 's only a simple one .
14 It 's just a matter of er , i I mean all we need to do is , is , is sort out a sort of formal agreement with Elliel that , you know , and how , how the management company or the limited company 's going to sort of manage the place and th then we 'll er got to , you know , we 've got two people who 've got a , a very successful business they 're actually drinks ' suppliers , Morecambe Bay Wines and Spirits er , who are gon na come in and have er they 'll sign the cheque for the rent there and then , I mean it 's er it 's a matter of just th you know , all it is is , is they 're saying well , you know what actually is the formal arrangement ?
15 these other items were n't in the normal refuse collection and therefore they were going to sort of reduce them from a weekly collection to a
16 Because he was going to sort of like
17 Er , er , are you going to sort of give me a timetable that I can read through to the phone and that it 's not booked up
18 Excellent voice I mean worth an A Bill , brilliant if you do that , but I mean I 'm not , I know speaking to sort of Charles and Tom and Alan , they say that sort of recommendation referrals in Norwich are very difficult but I think if you do it the right way
19 And this an argument that 's often put forward by the National Farmers Union , and other agricultural lobby groups , essentially erm , er , , it 's saying to sort of er , the European Community when they 're price setting , look there 's no point in you er , reducing agricultural product prices , cos all that 's going to do is increase supply .
20 The need to make it clear so that people understand without having to sort of keep coming back and asking again and again , yep , great , thanks .
21 Is the industry having to sort of look at itself and say ‘ hey , we 've got to do something because if we do n't we wo n't be here ’ ?
22 but the people that like are new are starting to sort of oh , you know
23 You know , that it helping to sort of make the reader er , the thing about .
24 Ignatius of Loyal er or er , more properly known to me in church history was the scourge of the wrath of the , of the council of reformation and inside of consumism but I think regards some years ago in on Ignatius spirituality of bibles which I 'm delighted to see John has mentioned in his prologue for the er for his introduction to Holywell the the the association 's there came to discover who Saint Ignatius er , helping to sort of tap greater spiritual depths and er resources and consequently trained as spiritual director er in Ignatian things .
25 We 've got a ladies luncheon in Glasgow for four hundred and the organiser , Ruth the chair of Glasgow branch , is being helped by two ladies from the business community erm Linda from the BAFTA award and Tessa who has her own marketing company , so we 're hoping to sort of pull in a lot of people from that erm Judy the chair of Scottish council , is yet again holding her Charlotte Square ball erm , this was very , very successful two years ago , I think you know erm and we 're hoping for the same success erm , we are very lucky that the Royal Highland Show has chosen us to be er the charity this year for the gala preview of the show erm this is er for three hundred people , a champagne reception erm sponsored by the Bank of Scotland , so that you go and see the flowers before the show opens the next day .
26 Er , my experience is slightly different when erm when I had been trying to sort of recover , I did n't , I did n't feel as if I 've get any help from professionals that I approached .
27 for all the wrong reasons , so we 're trying to sort of pick a number of tests which will determine whether there 's a problem with air conditioning and it 's humidity or or er or if the temperature .
28 tha , that 's , that 's the activity that we 're trying to sort of resume erm
29 next two years trying to sort of get him to bring himself up a bit you know
30 I tend to lead a sort of idiotic existence of trying to get involved in too many things and dashing about ; and this is going to be my problem — trying to sort of control myself and work out something so that we have a proper family life .
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