Example sentences of "[v-ing] the ec " in BNC.

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1 London 's total output may increase by 7 per cent , placing it in danger of breaching the EC legal standard .
2 So much so , that the Commission continues its backing of the HDMAC analogue transmission standard for HDTV , regardless of its being overtaken by more advanced digital technology and despite broadcasters and telecommunications trade associations lobbying against it , and a plethora of industry pundits accusing the EC of wasting millions of pounds of taxpayers ' money .
3 A coalition of 66 European environmental groups , including the World Wide Fund for Nature and Amigos de la Terra , have issued a statement accusing the EC 's system of structural fund grants of causing widespread environmental damage .
4 On Dec. 7 Sweden 's Agriculture Minister , Mats Hellström , who chaired the GATT steering committee on farm trade , submitted a compromise proposal accepting the EC offer of 30 per cent reductions but accommodating US and Cairns Group demands by extending them to cover , in addition to domestic farm aid , export subsidies and border protection .
5 I foresee grievous and perhaps irretrievable errors , and not merely in handling the EC sharks .
6 The Department of Trade and Industry has issued a consultative document covering the amendments to UK law necessary in bringing the EC Partnerships Directive into force .
7 According to the European Commission , the standards surpass US emission standards , bringing the EC into line with Austria and Switzerland .
8 In judgment of a case brought by the European Commission against Greece the European Court of Justice on Sept. 24 , 1989 , had ordered the Greek government to pay court costs and a fine of 620,000,000 drachmas ( representing the EC 's lost revenue plus interest ) .
9 A visit by the Luxembourg , Italian and Netherlands Foreign Ministers ( currently the " troika " representing the EC Council of Ministers ) to Moscow on Feb. 16-17 ( at which the Gulf crisis was also discussed ) had registered an improvement in relations .
10 Gyles Brandreth explaining the EC
11 The organisation commented that farmers , politicians and environmentalists were presenting increasingly similar " green " proposals for reforming the EC Common Agricultural Policy .
12 It was easy to make fun of , and it was no wonder that Conservative Central Office had a field day , distributing a compilation of green policy statements , including the unrealistic ones on replacing the EC with a ‘ loose federation of ecological countries ’ and disengaging Britain from the international money market .
13 we are lobbying the EC to make sure its aid programmes and industrial activities are not destroying the rainforest .
14 Along with the Danes , the Government then hit back by warning the EC that Britain will stall any further moves to union unless their demands are met .
15 The airlines , facing their fourth successive year in the red , are urging the EC to drop plans to lower maximum noise levels and nitrogen oxide emissions , arguing that they could increase operating costs , reduce the resale value of operators ' fleets and put them at a competitive disadvantage to international rivals .
16 It is petitioning the EC for a moratorium on the patenting of life on ethical , environmental and scientific grounds .
17 The label — showing a four-leaf daisy , the twelve stars symbolizing the EC , countries , and the letter " E " — is intended to harmonize standards across the Community and take the place of proliferating national labels and sometimes questionable environmental advertising .
18 Citing the EC example , he said : ‘ It was Mrs Thatcher who signed the Single European Act , which is the biggest transfer of sovereignty which this government has ever undertaken in any period of our history . ’
19 Last night Bob Allan , chairman of the Scottish Fishing Federation , said there was a real problem of Russian and Norwegian fish flooding the EC market and destabilising the market .
20 Yesterday 's crucial talks were guarded by riot police with armoured trucks and water cannon , following fears of a major demonstration by French fishermen who are also seething over the level of imports flooding the EC .
21 Presenting the EC 's fifth environmental programme , setting general policy goals up to the year 2000 , Ripa di Meana conceded that the Commission had been criticised in the past for " handing down bans from on high " .
22 While the French and West Germans believe a supra-national system for regulating the EC economies should be subject to democratic scrutiny by the European Parliament , Chancellor Kohl wants this agreed and in legal form before other changes are made to the Treaty of Rome to create the proposed EC central bank or to give the EC Council of Ministers powers to override national governments .
23 Mr Hurd told European foreign ministers meeting in Hertfordshire that the refugee issue was ‘ possibly the most serious problem ’ facing the EC .
24 By the same token we are free to pull out of Europe whenever we wish , simply by repealing the EC Act .
25 But Britain , currently holding the EC presidency , plans to oppose a ban in Brussels next week — and the other 11 governments are expected to agree .
26 Broadly speaking the EC Commission 's original 300-plus measures were designed to create , in respect of economic activity across frontiers , a situation which would approximate , in terms of its freedom and lack of distortion and discrimination , to the situation which exists when goods , services and factors are supplied within a state .
27 He refused an invitation from the EC 's energy authority to investigate the possibilities of translating electricity , generated within green plants , into a new source of fuel : he did not care for the clause giving the EC the right to suppress anything in the eventual reports .
28 It was agreed at the Hague to enlarge the Community to include Britain and others , to finance CAP by giving the EC its own resources and to look at new areas of co-operation in the economic and political fields .
29 Although the new members were given ten years before they had to accept the Fisheries Policy , the problem was exacerbated in 1977 by the extension of international fishing limits to 200 miles , giving the EC a huge area to control .
30 The European Community ( EC ) Council of Ministers on Sept. 12 and the European Parliament on Sept. 13 approved interim arrangements giving the EC Commission emergency powers until Dec. 31 , 1990 , to integrate East Germany into the EC .
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