Example sentences of "[v-ing] the united " in BNC.

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1 Given the poor publicity generated by the Soviet Union 's agricultural failings , it comes as something of a surprise to look at the statistics and see that the Soviet Union is still the world 's largest wheat producer , greater than the European Community ( which also made agricultural self-sufficiency a goal in its early years ) by about 10 million tons in 1989 , outstripping the United States and Canada , the world 's ‘ breadbasket ’ , by almost the same amount .
2 Even in 1945 some Americans anticipated Japan assisting the United States in a war against the Soviet Union , and General Willoughby , head of G-2 ( intelligence ) branch within SCAP , recruited former army and navy officers authorising the official use of their old ranks in the imperial forces .
3 In time not only might the Americans receive more help from Britain , but also other European states might follow her lead in assisting the United States in its role of world police-officer .
4 Franco was quick to exploit the lack of unity in Allied attitudes to Spain , accusing the United States of intransigence and ingratitude and stating defiantly that Spain would not curtail its aid to Germany under Allied duress .
5 It was he who , with others in the legendary Room 40 at the Admiralty under the direction of Sir Alfred Ewing ( later to be Principal and Vice-Chancellor of Edinburgh University ) , had decoded the famous Zimmermann telegram which played its part in bringing the United States into the First World War .
6 Representing the United States , she played between 1963 and 1967 .
7 Can we take it that elected members will be representing the United Kingdom on that body , but the formal distribution of that representation has not yet been worked out ?
8 The 60 or so islands comprising the British Virgin Islands are a Crown Colony with an appointed Governor representing the United Kingdom sovereign .
9 A separate document also released on June 7 , on NATO 's " core security functions " , was widely regarded as representing the United States perspective , and reiterated that " the security of North America is permanently tied to the security of Europe " .
10 The great advantage of having a fixed date er for these European elections on the ninth of June , a date that 's been well known for a considerable time now , should be the certainty for the electorate , that they know not only the date of that election but the geographical boundary er of the constituency in which they live er the candidates that they can choose from and of course in relation to European elections , the number of er members of the European parliament that there will be representing the United Kingdom .
11 Amid the celebrations of Sunderland becoming the United Kingdom 's newest city , there was much talk of new investment and jobs following in the wake of the announcement .
12 I am not condemning the United Kingdom Immigrants Advisory Service or the people who work in it .
13 The current estimated cost of acquiring the United Kingdom Trident system is £9,863 million .
14 When asked which candidate would do a better job at ‘ Keeping the United States out of war ’ , 50 per cent of those polled said Carter while 25 per cent opted for Ronald Reagan .
15 If after the next election there is a clear majority of Members committed to reforming the United Kingdom and creating a Parliament for Scotland within the United Kingdom , will the Conservative party accept the verdict of the people of Scotland ?
16 Germany and France show a gradual rise in their performance , overtaking the United States in 1988 and consolidating that position since .
17 The motion , urging the United Kingdom and China to reconsider the agreement , was passed by 34 votes to 11 , with four abstentions ; nine members were absent .
18 In order to cope with the demands of recording and analysing the United States ' census , Hollerith needed a way of automating the process .
19 The timing of these changes and the details of the structures adopted varied between the countries comprising the United Kingdom , but ‘ as a service provider , local government in Scotland developed at broadly the same pace as local government in England and Wales ’ ( Page 1983:43 ; cf. foster et al.
20 They would not regard a mere Act of the United Kingdom Parliament , in contravention of European law , as capable of releasing the United Kingdom from its treaty obligations .
21 There are also the longstanding Turkish objectives of resolving the Cyprus conflict to its advantage and of forcing the United States to reduce military support its regional adversary , Greece .
22 This traditional classification nevertheless remains a convenient way of approaching the task of describing the United Kingdom constitution .
23 ‘ People should be selling the United States rather than Japan .
24 They would devolve power to national assemblies in Scotland and Wales and to regional assemblies in England , and their hope is that this would promote a sense of national and regional identity while preserving the United Kingdom and a sense of belonging to a British community .
25 It now looks all but certain that there will be a new man in the White House leading the United States in a new direction .
26 Obviously there was not much that any Government concerned in governing the United Kingdom could do to meet the wilder demands of the " Left is Right Group " , but , since it was never clear whether these were immediate demands or merely long-term hopes , Cabinet office for Carolan and Under — Secretaryships for one or two of his more articulate followers contrived to keep the group within the Parliamentary fold .
27 The Institute of Export is the only professional body solely devoted to enhancing the United Kingdom 's export performance .
28 In Washington the state department said Mr Yeltsin had sent a message assuring the United States that he remained committed to democracy , human rights and civic order .
29 Drugs , racial tension , street crime and a massive urban underclass are some of the biggest problems facing the United States today , but for many right-wing politicians , Aids is n't a problem — it 's a solution .
30 Britain ratified the Convention in 1951 but did not accept its enforcement machinery until 1966 , and its impact on English law was not apparent until the next decade , when the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg began to hand down decisions holding the United Kingdom in breach of the Convention for failures to guarantee certain basic rights to its citizens .
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