Example sentences of "[v-ing] instead the " in BNC.

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1 This principle limits the degree to which state agencies and provisions in the area of welfare can take over responsibilities from individuals or from smaller , ‘ natural ’ units , upholding instead the rights of individuals to secure and shape the means with which they shape their role in society autonomously ( von Nell-Breuning , 1976 ) .
2 She ate without hunger , absorbing instead the music .
3 Although alienating some support by her excessive regard for the physiologically and morally uplifting properties of semen , she emphasized the erotic , mystical , and fulfilling aspects of sexual relations and for these reasons rejected the use of coitus interruptus and the condom , recommending instead the use of the vaginal rubber cap and the quinine ( spermicidal ) pessary which she naïvely believed to be generally available in chemist 's shops and which have never , in the event , proved to be very popular .
4 Lyotard , for example , is best known for his scepticism towards historicist universal narratives , advocating instead the possibility of a multiplicity of heterogeneous , conflicting and incommensurable histories .
5 According to the convention , Barker himself does n't include even a postcard to Wright in his own posthumous collection , Street Ballads ( Faber , £4.99 ) , addressing instead the shades of Yeats , Kavanagh , Tennyson , Shakespeare and Catullus .
6 Italy had opposed this , seeking instead the creation of an embryo central bank at this stage .
7 During a confused and unruly session pitting the powers of the executive against the legislature , the Congress refused to confirm the acting pro-reform Prime Minister Yegor Gaidar in the post , forcing instead the appointment of Viktor Chernomyrdin , hitherto a Deputy Premier and Fuel and Energy Minister .
8 Not that his son condemns him for this , blaming instead the way Olivier Snr was brought up by a cold domineering father , a priest who put church before family , and his own dedication to fulfilling his professional promise .
9 Tamar turned along the track which led away from the village and the harvest fields , choosing instead the path through the thick woods which stretched down to the river bank .
10 He tells it to an Indian friend , and soon ceases to speak the tale in his own language , substituting instead the Indian 's .
11 Yet in the last few days the Romanians have started underplaying the role of Timisoara in sparking off open opposition to Ceausescu , highlighting instead the undoubtedly fearless role of the citizens of Bucharest .
12 It has sometimes been suggested that epistemology could survive the loss of the concept of knowledge , because all the important epistemological questions can equally profitably be rephrased using instead the concept of justified belief .
13 The Allegri sounded a bit under-nourished against Mr Campbell 's easy delivery , particularly in the second movement , which should have had more force , though if one expects a bracing scherzo-like piece at this point , Bliss surely over-wrote it , producing instead the effect of a finale .
14 When he finally returned with his mother , he avoided official menus and the tourist cuisine , eating instead the simple foods which are served in good private restaurants , homes and even on street stalls .
15 An influential voice in the debate was that of Georg Kerschensteiner , Director of Education in Munich , ‘ the Mecca of all school reformers ’ , who was famous for his opposition to ‘ general ’ continued courses , preferring instead the ‘ vocational ’ but in an integrated curriculum designed to train young workers as citizens .
16 With respect to strategy Japanese enterprise groups tend not to adopt the conglomerate model which is more common to large firms in the United States or Britain as the locus of their strategic initiative , preferring instead the keiretsu form .
17 After leaving Oxford he worked supervising the dry dock , but not with any great commitment , preferring instead the London literary society of Lionel Pigot Johnson , Richard Le Gallienne , Oscar Wilde , and Aubrey Beardsley [ qq.v . ] .
18 They tended to cast doubt on the objective nature of the atonement — at least the Catholic scholastics and Reformers had held on to that — stressing instead the subjective changes wrought in mankind by Christ 's sacrifice ( such as a growth in God-consciousness or moral transformation ) .
19 Or alternatively we can accept the differences and reject the conclusions drawn from them , stressing instead the value of women 's ways of doing things .
20 Nizan is not unaware of the problem , but chooses to minimise its significance , stressing instead the critical , revelatory and educative aspects of the novel form .
21 Generally regarded as more forthright than his predecessor , Joshi rejected a secular model of democracy for India , stressing instead the intrinsic link between Hinduism and India 's identity as a nation .
22 Ibrahim Babangida , who had in October 1989 severely restricted the electorate 's choice by dissolving 13 political parties , sanctioning instead the creation of the SDP and NRC [ see p. 36968 ] .
23 These can be accentuated , as in Fig. 9.14 ( 2 ) by plotting instead the area between pairs of contours .
24 Not surprisingly , though deplorably , British and also many American readers continued to ignore Eliot 's French affinities , following instead the hints that Eliot had dropped for their benefit in his criticism , implying his kinship with such solidly English writers as Donne and Webster .
25 Throughout 1990 Lee had adopted a conciliatory approach towards relations with the mainland while nevertheless continuing to reject mainland China 's advocacy of the principle of " one country — two systems " as a basis for reunification , proposing instead the rival notion of " one country , two regions " .
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