Example sentences of "[v-ing] family [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Lorraine was in prison for 18 months , and when she was released she not only faced the prospect of rebuilding family life for her children , but also the pressure of having a husband still inside .
2 The majority of women — and , indeed , the majority of men — are feeling that they must start protecting family life .
3 But as they continued down the hill to Dingle and along the road that curved round the harbour to Ballingolin , she was even more bewildered to hear him reciting family history to her — history she had taken in with her mother 's milk and knew by heart .
4 In favouring family care for elderly people in the 1980s ( DHSS , 1981 ) government policy had a pattern of family life in mind .
5 Promoting family weekend breaks
6 People flood to the city seeking employment , seeking security and actually trying to find a means of sustaining family life .
7 Banks estimates that some 3 million pamphlets and leaflets were circulated between 1879 and 1921 urging family limitation , while over 1 million between 1876 and 1891 gave details of contraception .
8 John Richardson , the St Andrews-born father of Ryder Cup player Steve , has also been dispensing family golf wisdom .
9 In speeches to the Parliamentary Assembly and the Court and Commission of Human Rights on Oct. 8 , 1988 , Pope John Paul II called on the countries of Europe to " remember their common Christian heritage " and to apply it to all aspects of life , particularly to policies governing family life , genetic engineering , education and employment .
10 To reward the faithful service of count or young man in the palace , the king granted , out of the extensive and farflung royal estates , beneficia — benefices : the very term , meaning " good deeds " , implied something personal and arbitrary , outwith the normal regulations governing family inheritance .
11 One strategy in theorizing family law is to uncover hidden assumptions concerning both family and law .
12 There 's no point buying a bag intended for expedition use if you 're going family camping in summer .
13 Such rejections could easily harden and become two-sided , obliterating family memory itself .
14 FORTY-SOMETHING women are turning their backs on careers and embracing family life .
15 Meanwhile , forty-something women are turning their backs on careers and embracing family life .
16 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
17 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
18 Some local authorities also assume you 're getting family credit , even if you have n't claimed it , and so reduce your housing benefit .
19 If you 're getting Family Credit
20 In Butler 's case this led to a radical campaign against the Contagious Diseases ( CD ) Acts of the 1860s ( under which prostitutes were subject to compulsory medical inspection and detained if found to have venereal disease ) , which she saw as part of the double moral standard oppressing all women and debasing family life .
21 MEANWHILE … with all the problems facing family life and marriage today , a new and exciting venture has opened in North Wales — the Catholic Centre for Healing in Marriage .
22 Cuts to the Green Form Scheme will particularly affect those facing family breakdown , those suffering from long-term mental illness , and asylum seekers and others whose immigration status is in doubt .
23 By 1939 280 local authorities were providing family planning help , together with almost seventy private clinics .
24 Linking family life and Christian life …
25 Social workers above all have this capacity to focus on aspects of psychological well-being , and in doing family work to contribute skills in this area to a multidisciplinary team .
26 Doing family work
27 Well at that particular time I was already on the council , I was doing family planning which took up an awful lot of my time .
28 Although prosecution followed by a fine can bring home to parents the reality of their child 's non-attendance problem , a financial penalty is likely to be inappropriate when imposed on what is often a poor family whose financial problems are already one of the factors threatening family stability .
29 Epidemiology of endometriosis in women attending family planning clinics
30 To describe the epidemiology of endometriosis in women attending family planning clinics with special reference to contraceptive methods .
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