Example sentences of "[was/were] set [adj] " in BNC.

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1 By the fifth and sixth centuries they were set adjacent to larger churches , usually in the atrium facing the narthex .
2 The furnaces were set lower still , below the hypocaust floor .
3 Environment Minister Emil Salim said that the 500 firms , spread over 11 of the 27 provinces of Indonesia , have failed to comply with water effluent standards which were set two years ago .
4 Note the wage rate at any point in time ( t ) is made up of an average of wages which were set one period earlier and those set two periods before .
5 Thirty official buildings , 17 post offices and six buses were set ablaze in the period .
6 Several more aircraft were set ablaze , and as they drove back on to the road without a shot having been fired against them , Stirling and Mayne were cock-a-hoop .
7 Three men and a boy were shot dead and , when tents were set ablaze , two women and eleven children who had hidden in an underground cellar , were suffocated by smoke .
8 In French provincial cities bales of straw and tyres were set ablaze at road junctions .
9 A number of buildings were damaged by looting and arson , and numerous vehicles were set ablaze .
10 Buildings on six farms were set ablaze during last night .
11 At this point a servant appeared bearing a rough tray on which were set three horn beakers .
12 It was from this hippodrome that the four horses now on the façade of S. Mark 's Cathedral in Venice were originally taken ; they were set high above the track in Istanbul .
13 Most of the walls were topped by a layer of concrete into which were set jagged pieces of glass from smashed bottles .
14 We were set different tasks to do eg getting across an area of grass which had poison on it .
15 In the middle of the bed , across its width , two substantial bolsters were set next to each other .
16 The wind and currents were set fair when the Hokule'a paddled away on that sunny afternoon in March .
17 But conditions were set fair for stable political and economic development .
18 Similarly , right hemisphere patients were inferior at reproducing by touch alone the angle at which two movable rods were set relative to each other ( De Renzi , Faglioni and Scotti 1971 ) .
19 Only two of the industries nationalized by Labour were set free — road haulage and ( temporarily as it turned out ) steel .
20 Waiting in the court were two officers with extradition warrants in case the couple were set free .
21 The Brethren of the Order were set free to go to Kolossi .
22 ‘ I knew that I was playing with fire ’ , he confessed ; ‘ I ran the risk , and if I were set free I would still do the same . ’
23 He harrowed hell with the same spiritual vigour with which he had overturned the tables of the money-changers in the temple , and the faithful dead were set free .
24 At the universities , the released students were treated like heroes and paraded around triumphantly in scenes probably akin to 1935 , when arrested students from ‘ December Ninth ’ were set free .
25 By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage .
26 The terms on which the peasantry were set free perpetuated in new forms many of the obstacles to economic growth and social change characteristic of serfdom .
27 They demanded that the Shah , who had fled from Iran and who was undergoing treatment for cancer in the USA , should be sent back for trial before the hostages were set free .
28 On 27 June Tan Malaka and other leading Communists were set free and Sjahrir was kidnapped just as Sukarno had been the previous August .
29 When Labour founded the National Health Service we lifted a great burden from the shoulders of ordinary families who were set free from the financial perils of ill health .
30 Women & children were set free from slavery & the men unemployed from farming could move to mines & take up jobs which the women & children had previously filled .
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