Example sentences of "[was/were] none [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was the place where we saw the 1:1,000,000 map , but there were none for sale , and in general the airfield was pretty sleepy .
2 Auxilliary nurses do not go on any courses so there were none for him to take .
3 At the time there were none on sale in England .
4 There were none on Suzanne Valadon or Rachel Ruysch or any one else who was female .
5 On these walls were none of the usual posters bidding young mothers to drink milk in pregnancy and bring their toddlers for a twice-yearly check-up .
6 There were none of this in the beginning , in the first two years , but at the time of ‘ Diamond Dogs ’ , a lot of drugs began to come in , a lot of alcohol came in with different individuals , which helped fuel things .
7 If she truly loved someone , she could not be indifferent to the fate of other people , because her beloved would be dependent on that fate , he would be part of it , and she could no longer feel that mankind 's torments , its wars and holidays , were none of her concern .
8 Here there were none of the accustomed party cant or heroics about the Revolution .
9 Being fat and forty and hating one 's wife and job were none of them socially acceptable .
10 Adrar was clean , and there were none of the African smells offensive to western noses — just the opposite .
11 They were none of them marvellous at everything .
12 The permanent staff was gradually purged to other camps until there were none of the original ‘ old people ’ left .
13 There were none of the crowds that had been there during the day and we could really pray .
14 Moreover , the papers were run as political ventures ; there were none of the commercial , management , planning and sales activities that were to be found at the Standard .
15 The fact that they were none of these things was something she had to put up with .
16 There were none of the demonstrations or obstructions which he had feared , and in fact such was the success of the play that he was featured on the cover of Time magazine on 6 March .
17 This was another of those naked spaces , so exposed it was useless — putting a chair out there to sit in the sun seemed unthinkable , there were none of the nooks and crannies or spaces that invited use .
18 I decided that the answers were none of my business , probably not , definitely not .
19 There were none of the battered paperbacks usually left abandoned after rainy afternoons in holiday houses , no near pornography and , she thought , no detective stories , until she remembered the Sherlock Holmes collection beside the bed .
20 Standards slipped but there were none of the old crowd now to witness the decay .
21 Why were none of them here ?
22 Her sister 's escapades were none of her business , she told herself .
23 But er however there were none of them struck the camp .
24 Er there were none of the incubators and this sort of thing for them like we 've got today .
25 Se had blurted out one or two things which , admittedly , were none of her business , but she certainly was n't sorry about that .
26 His sordid affairs were none of her concern provided she was n't being asked to play the part of catalyst .
27 There were none of the comforts we take for granted now .
28 Their descendants were none of these .
29 Tried to make , but I threw it out there were none of that sparkle left in it .
30 CAMRA promised us there would be security men but there were none to be seen . ’
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