Example sentences of "[was/were] looking for " in BNC.

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1 Sergeant Bramble and Constable Quince very quickly gave up trying to understand what it was that the experts were looking for .
2 These had gone down rather well , and as our Baroque painting specialist was leaving at the same time as Youngman , voices were raised to say here was perhaps both the lecturer and the administrator we were looking for .
3 ‘ Would I be right in saying that we have n't provided you with what you were looking for when you came here ? ’
4 Instinctively the two men were looking for faces that they knew — Mary McCulloch and her friends , big Mary as tall as a man , red-haired Flora .
5 ‘ We were looking for 12 matches or even 16 , ’ David Brook , the club president , said .
6 Maybe they were looking for traces of cement which would give the game away , but the excellent visitors ' centre explains that building materials such as cement were not available when the giant , Finn McCool , built the causeway .
7 If I were looking for a record deal , I would be pursuing individual A&R people , getting them to come and see my band .
8 We were looking for anybody who could help fill it .
9 We were looking for the reflective eyes of a fox .
10 Adding these to the other elements of the claim and demands for extra London weighting , Mr Clarke had said in the Commons that ambulance workers were looking for ‘ rather a lot more money ’ .
11 The strongest signal of Moscow 's fury with the intransigent Romanian regime came when Pravda , the Communist Party daily newspaper , reported favourably on the demonstrators in Timisoara , saying that they were looking for rapid reforms in the country .
12 The unions said that they were looking for the second week in January to begin an all-out stoppage .
13 Mr Richard Warburton , director general of the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents , said : ‘ If you were looking for the highest standards of safety , then you would be separating people from their vehicles in the tunnel . ’
14 We were all people that were looking for something to believe in .
15 This could be the girl whom the Yard were looking for , and he had better do everything very quickly indeed , including finding his Chief , who would then want to find his Chief Constable and notify Scotland Yard .
16 McLeish thanked him , scrambled up the embankment , drawing in deep breaths , and walked carefully down the side of the track in the sizeable footsteps of his squad , explaining to them that they were looking for a sharp-edged weapon .
17 Harmonization proved impossible : the two Services were looking for two quite different aircraft .
18 Second , the regulators were looking for an infusion of capital from outside the banking industry .
19 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
20 This fundamentally optimistic interpretation of the world and its mysterious working was contested by the heirs of the Enlightenment of the previous century , who were looking for rational explanations and practical methods of applying them .
21 Despite the reported ‘ need to hear the voice of the Führer again ’ , Hitler 's traditional speech on 30 January 1942 , the anniversary of the ‘ seizure of power ’ , left some feelings of disappointment , since people were looking for comforting or encouraging words about the state of the war in the east and not for just another stereotype repetition of the Nazi Party 's glorious history .
22 By the time the General Election arrived eighteen months later , there was a good candidate ( Malcolm Thornton , now MP ) , a renewed constituency organisation and time for the people of Crosby to realise that they 'd done in that panicky moment when they were looking for a familiar face as their Member of Parliament .
23 I never learned who they were looking for .
24 The Labour Department said the figures were in line with economists ' forecasts , but many were looking for a modest reduction .
25 IF JEFFREY Archer were looking for a plot for his next novel , he could do worse than examine the rise and rise of Mr John Major 's first female Cabinet ministers , Mrs Virginia Bottomley and Mrs Gillian Shephard .
26 The established family farms were , mostly , already profitable and the farmers were looking for sufficient income to provide their families with a reasonable standard of living plus sufficient capital to re-invest in the farm and provide for retirement .
27 In middle age , at a time when those in other industries were looking for a period of consolidation , the farmer could be faced with problems when a son or daughter ‘ came home ’ .
28 When Félicie Cendrars saw them again Jeanne and Modi were looking for a reliable wet-nurse , since neither she nor her mother ‘ could do anything with little Jeanne .
29 Hopper and Fonda were looking for finance , although all that existed at the time was an eight-page outline for the plot , which Fonda had been toting around .
30 After all , you were looking for a language — Marcus , what is it ? ’
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