Example sentences of "[was/were] to take [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Within weeks Combined Operations headquarters were to take on a new vitality .
2 Russell Reynolds were to take on a not dissimilar problem when their London office headhunted Ian McGregor for British Steel in 1980 .
3 There was at the time of reorganization a considerable expansion of advisory services to meet the desire for increased curriculum coherence and the staff appointed were to take on much of the short course organization and guidance to schools for school focused INSET .
4 Independence from police would be illustrated if FMEs were to take on more defence work .
5 Everything about this little scene related to the Ocean with which I had become so enraptured : if ever the peoples of the Pacific were to take over the running of the world , I fancied , it would start with people such as these , using such things in a place like this .
6 If the UN were to take over some government functions , the bill might rise to $10m a month .
7 As vesting day , 1 April 1948 , approached , the shape of the organisations which were to take over the industry , and the men who were going to lead them at national and regional level were known .
8 What if Mercia and I were to take over Northumbria ? ’
9 In later years many critics were to take up Lorentz 's implication that in essence I am a Fugitive was a conventional melodrama centred on a romantic hero .
10 There was concern , however , that half of the Bracamonte Battalion 's 1,000 soldiers were to take up new posts in the army .
11 A third of services were to take off sick crewmen .
12 If you were to take out erm health insurance cover
13 It transpired that Peter Carrington and his Foreign Office team of Humphrey Atkins and Richard Luce had all resigned , and a little later it was announced that Francis Pym was to take over as Foreign Secretary .
14 This transformation provided the skeleton for the Christianity which was to take over the Germanic world , to mould it and modify it in turn .
15 Nixon 's strategy , in other words , was to take over the bureaucracy while , at the same time , he would take on the congress .
16 He was made justiciar and chamberlain of both north and south Wales and was to take over the offices of constable and steward of royal lands in Wales as they fell vacant .
17 The solution was to take over some of the unconverted part of the attic .
18 He had played that part well , certainly at least as well as the actor who was to take over from him .
19 And Miles did n't want to stay with Better Books if Collins was to take over .
20 Kuntze was to take over the company 's chairmanship from Jurgen Hippenstiel-Imhausen , who resigned in March and who on May 10 became the first person to be arrested over the affair .
21 Under an agreement signed by Gqozo and South African Foreign Minister Roelof " Pik " Botha , the South African government was to take over the key ministries of economic affairs , finance and justice and a fourth ministry concerned with agriculture , public works and transport .
22 It was to be the successor to the USSR Ministry of Atomic Power Engineering and Industry in matters concerning the Russian Federation , and was to take over its property on Russian territory .
23 Shaheen was to take over , pending appointment of Sahnoun 's replacement .
24 He was made justiciar and chamberlain of both north and south Wales and was to take over the offices of constable and steward of royal lands in Wales as they fell vacant .
25 The mass-produced ceramic drainpipes , which were perhaps its most important contribution to agriculture , were buried , the wire-netting and barbed wire which was to take over from walls , hedges and wooden fencing , confined to the ranges of Australia and the United States , corrugated iron hardly yet emancipated from the railroads in connection with which it had been developed .
26 When it was announced that Central was to take over from ATV , many were concerned that they would lose their favourite programme , the serial ’ Crossroads ’ .
27 For an annual sum of £100 he was to take on the care , culture and management of the Garden for a term of seven years from Michaelmas , to keep in repair the stove , greenhouse and other buildings and utensils contained in them , to make a catalogue of the plants and , an additional commercial perquisite , to be allowed to sell surplus fruit and plants for his own benefit .
28 Having cowed the trade unions , we can see that the next step was to take on the local authorities and the poor .
29 All this achieved was to take on the even more serious problems of behaviourism itself .
30 For them as clergymen the obvious solution was to take on other duties to supplement the £10 , but administratively it was clearly better that they should be paid , adequately , for their work without being forced to divert their energies in other directions .
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