Example sentences of "[was/were] a silence " in BNC.

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1 There was a silence .
2 It said they all stood with bowed heads at the start of the meeting after they had heard of his death , ‘ and there was a silence that could be felt … . ’
3 There was a silence , then : ‘ I think there must be some misunderstanding . ’
4 There was a silence , the Matron , who was a Miss Cress , tapping her fountain pen lightly on the blotter .
5 There was a silence .
6 There was a silence so complete she could hear the slight rasp in Mrs Browning 's chest , a rasp that broke into a cough she seemed to welcome .
7 There was a silence .
8 There was a silence .
9 There was a silence in the big carpeted room with its heavy polished desk and tasteful reproductions of Van Gogh on its lemon-colored walls , as Matron , still looking slightly ruffled , and Kegan , a ludicrously hopeful expression on his face , stared at Briant 's bent head as he stood rocking gently on his heels .
10 There was a silence .
11 There was a silence broken only by the faint snuffles of the dogs at her feet .
12 There was a silence ; then a growing murmur , that grew rapidly to a hubbub of comment and argument around Eachuinn Odhar , while he had his horn refilled to ease his throat and sat back , ears alert for the tone of the reaction .
13 Instead there was a silence .
14 There was a silence in which I almost began to feel sorry for him .
15 There was a silence .
16 There was a silence in the pub .
17 There was a silence .
18 There was a silence , then , ‘ Why do you ask ? ’
19 There was a silence .
20 There was a silence , then she called to him .
21 There was a silence .
22 There was a silence .
23 There was a silence , a moment of tension between them .
24 There was a silence .
25 There was a silence after this during which both of them tried to integrate this information but could not .
26 There was a silence as they thought it over .
27 There was a silence .
28 There was a silence , Jack watched his brothers look at each other in alarm , and saw his mother frown slightly down the table at his father .
29 There was a silence , then Micky said peaceably , ‘ All right , keep your hair on .
30 There was a silence .
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