Example sentences of "[was/were] nothing [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Of myself ? ’ she asked , as if there were nothing to say .
2 As always , other people wandered in who were nothing to do with us .
3 ‘ One or two people will be ready to put this down to plastic but our goals were nothing to do with plastic .
4 She had known when she set eyes on them that they were nothing to do with the Smoke and nothing to do with the expedition that was preparing .
5 Stars who were nothing to do with the film but stuck their necks out anyway included Sharon ( Basic Instinct ) Stone and Jason ( Beverly Hills 90210 ) Priestley .
6 He never told me much , but some of the people he mixed with were nothing to do with show business , or any other kind of business .
7 There was no point in saying they were nothing to do with me , because I 'd got so many — just over a hundred charges of fraud and deception .
8 We were nothing to do with the prison camp or the escaped prisoners .
9 The feelings she had were nothing to do with love , only a combination of …
10 The Lemarchands were nothing to do with her .
11 Law and Order Minister Hernus Kriel claimed that the Ciskei shootings were nothing to do with South Africa .
12 There were odd moments when , for no reason , the two voices lifted off , as though they were nothing to do with the two people who did n't like one another .
13 His knowledge of these people and his influence with them , was due to his own efforts — or at any rate they were nothing to do with these employers .
14 Indeed it could be argued that if there were nothing to count against it then it would no longer be faith !
15 ‘ To your beauty , ’ he said , though my looks at the time were nothing to write home about , ‘ coupled with the birthday of the King of Bulgaria . ’
16 With the publication of this book , British geographers can no longer be content to quote the aphorism about geography being what geographers do , and then gracefully retire from the discussion as though there were nothing to add .
17 Erm oh I asked him about that when I went and he said it were nothing to worry about , it 's just
18 There was nothing to link them directly to Zoser . ’
19 Most people were not taxed on their earnings as they were not French citizens , and there was nothing to spend money on apart from cigarettes , beer , and trips into town .
20 However , there was nothing to stimulate Branson 's interest more than the prospect of a good contract race against a rival company — Chrysalis , Polydor or CBS .
21 And anyway , after all , it was nothing to say , I mean , that I was taking the towels over for you . ’
22 There was nothing to say and nothing we could do .
23 Violet rose to go , there was nothing to say , be said .
24 But there were times when you could n't say anything because there was nothing to say .
25 There was nothing to say one way or the other whether Madreidetic 's piratical policies would go on .
26 Beyond that there was nothing to say .
27 There was nothing to say .
28 But Conradin said nothing ; there was nothing to say .
29 ‘ There was nothing to say .
30 They were completely intimidated — but even under that very strict regime there was nothing to compare with the suggestion that if two or more people refused to get up from the dining table they might be liable to a 10-year prison sentence .
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