Example sentences of "[is] none the " in BNC.

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1 John Searle has compared the computational view of mind to an Englishman who has no understanding of Chinese processing Chinese symbols according to rules which correspond to the grammar of Chinese : what he deals with may be meaningful Chinese sentences , but he is none the wiser .
2 But it is none the less interesting as a conclusion to this chapter to draw contrasts , albeit impressionistically , with community policing in West Belfast , for this puts Easton 's community policing into sharp relief .
3 His poetic efforts are mocked by the narrator of the story , who is none the less fascinated by what stimulates Charlie 's writing .
4 The workmen 's dialogue , which he co-authored , though filled with pieces of carefully observed slang , is none the less stilted and sometimes too obviously theatrical .
5 But it is none the less effective for that , and it would be wrong to see it , as do some liberals , as a superstitious remnant from a blighted past .
6 The owner of a firearm is none the less owner because the law prohibits him from discharging it in a public highway ; the owner of a field does not cease to be owner because the public or a neighbour has the right to use a footpath across it .
7 In this case the forcible retaking of possession is prohibited under penalties by statute ; but the retaking , though punishable , is none the less effective to restore the possession .
8 Willy Russell 's Liverpool-based woman-at-play film has more than a passing resemblance to Letter to Brezhnev but is none the worse for that .
9 Asquith 's capacity to recover quickly from his infatuation , strong though it was , was much greater than she allows , but it is none the less the case that he was thrown off balance for a crucial couple of weeks , the repercussions of which were considerable .
10 The show is none the less in need of a theatrical lift at this point , and gets it with a magically contrived facsimile of a royal banquet .
11 Even though it is the body that offends , it is none the less the mind that is found accountable .
12 In considering the core issue of the authority of the state the most important conclusion is in the relative independence of identification with one 's community as a non-instrumental basis of authority , which is none the less subject to limits imposed by the normal justification thesis .
13 The ‘ everlasting arms ’ hold out a cushion against our own inadequacies which , like a doctor 's placebo , is none the less effective for being imaginary .
14 To say ‘ good morning ’ when you first encounter a colleague or employee is a convention , but to fail to do so is none the less offensive .
15 This stark contrast is not invention , but it is none the less unhistorical .
16 Given that ( i ) no other sources support this view ; ( ii ) the view is none the less generally reasonable ; ( iii ) evidence from Pomponius ( and perhaps also Julian ) seems to speak against it for the second century ; and ( iv ) a Justinianic interpolation seems unlikely , it seems most probable that the text represents the genuine view of Papinian .
17 the wife is none the wiser , She 's got us
18 It may be true that the life we destroy is in the main of the lower orders or minute forms , but it is none the less destruction of life for all that , and since ahi sā involves doing no injury to any form of life , it follows that no matter how careful and compassionate and self-restrained a person may be he can not entirely escape committing hi sā .
19 It is interesting to note that , even when the person concerned has changed age , appearance and even sex , the patient undergoing the regression is none the less perfectly aware of who they are .
20 Although the Kingdom may have its origins in small beginnings in the majority of places , it is none the less capable of surprising growth .
21 Every congregation is none the less called to fulfil the evangelistic mandate .
22 If he was insincere in this , it is none the less ironic that in 1980 , when many within the Church of England were suggesting that it would be a more effective body if it were disestablished , his name should have been reintroduced into the Prayer Book as a martyr for the cause of Establishment .
23 ‘ The Real ’ rides a Hendrix riff and is none the worse for it .
24 After removing ten to fifteen worms from the upturned roots the piece of lawn is returned to its original position , patted down firmly and is none the worse within a week or two .
25 Of course , if you want the most sumptuous and subtle of string sonorities , Karajan 's 1971 version of the Second remains ( and is likely to remain ) unrivalled , although the present Lausanne Chamber Orchestra disc is none the less a strong contender .
26 It is difficult , given Korngold 's Hollywood output , not to imagine this as a mighty movie score , but it is none the worse for that , and those existing admirers of Korngold 's music should get great pleasure from this .
27 As a whole the reading calls to mind that of Del Monaco ( Karajan/Decca ) , and is none the worse for that , but misses the better manners of Pavarotti ( Solti/Decca ) and Domingo ( Maazel/EMI ) .
28 Although there is no direct evidence on the subject of Richard 's upbringing and education — we do not even know the names of his tutors as we do in his father 's case — it is none the less possible , by using romances and treatises , to reconstruct the type of education which he must have undergone .
29 While philosophy and history may be used as part of a tactic for establishing the disciplinary validity of English against the soft option charge , the essence of English is none the less taken to inhere in its " nobler , more eternal and universal element " , that very artistic quality which is said to transcend both the historical process and all systems of ideas :
30 Referring to the by now well-established consensus that grammar should be based upon " educated " usage rather than some abstract principle of " correctness " , Gurrey is none the less unconvinced that any radical change is likely to take place given " the inability of the leaders of today to learn , and their intellectual self sufficiency " .
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