Example sentences of "[is] considered as " in BNC.

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1 I am not rejecting the idea of Jesus being my representative — all I am doing at the moment is to point out some difficulties with it when it is considered as the central idea in the atonement theory .
2 When the committee system of the ASEA is considered as a whole , it is apparent that members were consciously operating an employment policy based upon casework , the practice most conspicuously associated with the COS , which , given the origins of the Association , is by no means unexpected .
3 It is of interest to observe that , for stationary axisymmetric space-times , the main field equations can be written in the form of Ernst 's equation ( 11.8 ) , whose solution is considered as a complex potential for the metric functions X and that are obtained from ( 12.36 ) and ( 12.34 ) .
4 For example , potassium nitrate ( KNO 3 ) is considered as an array of potassium ions K+ and nitrate ions ( NO 3 ) .
5 The aim of all schools of initiation the world over has always been to guide a human mind from an ordinary state of consciousness which is considered as a conscious state of ignorance or illusion , to a higher , more aware , enlightened condition .
6 This function is considered as the supreme power of consciousness in operation in the individual , both aspects forming the dual functioning of the mind .
7 It is because grammar has the effect of refining the relatively raw conceptual material of lexis by systematizing it in this way that it is considered as the primary determinant .
8 As a result , every era is considered as a totality embracing everything .
9 Thus , systems are hierarchical and at each level the unit is considered as a functional rather than a physical entity .
10 Francis Bacon is considered as a somewhat hallowed artist .
11 Care is taken to teach the boy how to be a good observer and to reckon things by observation without counting them , as counting , especially of sheep , goats , cattle or people is considered as one of the gikuyu taboos , mogiro , and one which would bring ill-luck to the people or animals counted .
12 In some operations , such as the logical operations , add and multiplication of equal-length operands , it is irrelevant which operand is considered as the first .
13 The transcription products were quantitated by densitometry ; P A2b activity is expressed in each case relative to that observed with supercoiled DNA at the lowest ionic strength assayed , which is considered as 100% .
14 If desktop publishing is considered as a tool then it is important , as with any tool , to select both the correct one for the job and then use it in a sensible manner .
15 Demilitarisation is considered as the ‘ international legal regime of a distinct territory forbidding its use for military goals in peacetime ’ .
16 Such experiments provide another probe , besides those given by optical , X-ray , n.m.r. and other physical techniques , into the substructure of the material in question , which in other respects is considered as a continuum .
17 According to this case law , the announcement of the competition is considered as a proposal to conclude an individual contract of employment and the participation in the competition as an acceptance of this proposal , the conclusion of the contract being subject to the suspensive condition of the candidate 's success in passing the competitive examination .
18 For many endoscopists , the squamous columnar junction is considered as the representative of the oesophagogastric junction and the segment distal to it is frequently thought of as a ‘ hiatal hernia ’ , because of the presence of gastric mucosa .
19 This is particularly important when the issue of ‘ value added ’ is considered as a performance indicator for higher education .
20 The sweeping has not been great yet and perhaps it is time that some ball ‘ off the top ’ is considered as an option .
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