Example sentences of "[is] called the " in BNC.

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1 This is called the Lisson Grove package .
2 Choreographers should understand that counting beats or what is called the measure of the music is not dance rhythm .
3 The constant use of what is called the ‘ feminine cadence ’ is a particular rhythmic feature .
4 It is called the Falaise d'Ayen .
5 Mr Vargas , whose group is called the Liberty Movement , needs to win more than half of the votes next 8 April to secure the presidency .
6 The one of most interest to physicists is called the Z or Z-naught .
7 The phenomenon is called the ‘ post-lunch dip ’ — a reference to the dip in mental performance that occurs then .
8 It is called the Red House because it is built of deep red brick , an unusual medium for a man of means , who was normally expected to build in something nobler .
9 The beautiful old building in neoclassical style is called the Palacio de Anaya , situated on the square of that name , and it was built in 1760 .
10 Some twenty-five miles north of the Dead Sea a wadi meets the river Jordan from the east , whose stream is called the Jabbok .
11 All of the references given above come from what is called the Priestly strand ( ‘ P ’ ) and as such they are to be dated to around the time of the Jews ' exile to Babylon in the sixth century BC — that is , according to the still widely accepted dating of this biblical strand within the source-critical school of thought ( though it must also be said that my own arguments as developed in this essay and elsewhere independently point to the exile as the time when these blood concerns and rituals would first have emerged ) .
12 Tigridia pavonia is yet another bulb worth trying , and its bright display of white , orange and pink flowers each marked with red spots , clearly show why it is called the tiger flower .
13 AOB is called the transverse axis and the complete hyperbola is symmetrical , with two foci , equidistant from O .
14 The distance of a focus from O compared with the radius of the circle is called the eccentricity e ; e for a hyperbola exceeds 1 .
15 Mary 's poem of thanks is called the Magnificat .
16 What is called the ‘ aesthetic attitude ’ or interest in an object , is sometimes described as ‘ disinterested interest ’ .
17 In North America , the temperate grassland is called the prairie ; in Asia , it is the steppe , and in South America , the pampas .
18 That proportion of the crop that can be eaten — or at least which is harvestable — is called the ‘ harvest index ’ ; and even with well-bred crops such as wheat , the harvest index is unlikely to be above 60 per cent .
19 One is called the National Foreign Intelligence Program and contains about $12 billion and the other , controlled by the Secretary of Defense , is called the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Budget and contains a further $12 billion .
20 One is called the National Foreign Intelligence Program and contains about $12 billion and the other , controlled by the Secretary of Defense , is called the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities Budget and contains a further $12 billion .
21 This was the issue of the steadily rising costs for what is called the ‘ back end ’ of the uranium fuel cycle — the reprocessing of spent fuel , the handling of wastes at the Sellafield works and the dismantling of the reactors at the end of their lives .
22 The third chapel on the right is called the Crucifixion chapel because it contains a wooden crucifix carried in procession by San Carlo Borromeo during the time of the plague of 1576 .
23 Rye Church , standing high on its hill , makes a landmark across the marshes ; the high ground above the town walls is called the Citadel ; if you live outside the walls your address is Rye Foreign .
24 The top of the saturated rock is called the water table , and the water that saturated the rocks beneath the water table is groundwater .
25 This amount is called the soil moisture deficit .
26 God 's Spirit is called the ‘ Holy ’ Spirit , to remind us that we are not to be confused with his unique identity , nor are we perfect as he is perfect .
27 This respectable sum is called the Reward for mutual cooperation .
28 This is called the Punishment for mutual defection .
29 It is called the ‘ Iterated ’ or ‘ Repeated ’ Prisoner 's Dilemma .
30 There have been moments during the argument in this case when it appeared to be suggested that the court had to do with a grave case involving what is called the right of public meeting .
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