Example sentences of "[is] required [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It is suggested here that a new modus vivendi is required between the managerial and professional dimensions of school life .
2 If a data link is required between a substation and a central operations room it must go by other means , such as the telephone network .
3 The results to date would seem to indicate that a rest period of at least three minutes is required between one dilution and the next .
4 Only 3 to 4in is required between the shower and the base of cold water storage tank .
5 It is obvious that for any group of companies to grow , a good balance is required between those which continually need cash injections to stay in business ( the capital-intensive type of enterprise which is typical of much of the chemical industry ) and those which can generate very high profits and throw off cash when things are going well .
6 At this stage , what began as an expression of pure assimilation , in which anything could provide the basis for the child 's construction of images , turns increasingly into games with a much stronger accommodative element , as a genuine resemblance is required between the signifier and the signified , and the actual characteristics of the village or wedding observed must be taken into account .
7 A choice is required between four samples of lilac fabric .
8 However , it is also evident that much greater co-operation is required between western European countries , which for a long time have been concerned about the environment , and the countries of eastern and central Europe .
9 A balance is required between representative and participatory democracy to allow for a more active citizenship .
10 That being said , it is undoubtedly true that more empirical research is required into the effects on teachers of the APU 's programmes of teacher training and dissemination .
11 Research is required into how the working patterns of scholars are likely to change to cope with the complexity and variety of information sources available to them , and what support they will require in this information seeking process .
12 This reflects the simple truth that whichever kind of organization is being considered , information is required about revenues , expenses , assets , liabilities and cash flows .
13 Some £26 billion of capital investment by the industry is required over the next 10 years .
14 Some central control is required over medical education to ensure that rational decisions are being taken and that the quality of education is monitored .
15 ( Care is required over this last point because we have no reason for supposing that the programs unc are in any sense " simpler " than he complete program .
16 Although there may be reasons for seeking ‘ … without delay , powers needed to balance better ( CCW 's ) composite duties ’ , we believe greater clarity and consensus is required over what system and institutional arrangements would be best for Wales in the 21st century .
17 This phase relationship is determined by the point at which the position detector generates a pulse to trigger a change in excitation and so the detector trigger point must vary with speed if the pull-out torque is required over the complete speed range .
18 In 1915 the National Conference estimated the cost of a pauper to be 14s 0d per week and that of a criminal 11s 10d net , but a state pensioner , ‘ a British subject , who is required under the Act , to be a respectable and provident person ’ was granted between 1s 0d and 5s 0d per week only .
19 The Opposition raised the canard that some sort of register is required under the council tax .
20 Before my right hon. and learned Friend the Secretary of State makes the order giving statutory force to the 1992 schoolteachers ' pay and conditions document , he is required under the 1991 Act to consult interested parties on the review body 's recommendations on the Government 's proposals for implementation .
21 The plan is required under Dutch law as a prerequisite for the renewal of the plant 's operating licence .
22 If the company or its ultimate holding company is a quoted company , the sale of such assets may also constitute a Class 4 transaction for which the shareholders ' approval is required under Stock Exchange rules .
23 However if an order for payment out is required under Ord 11 , r 4(2) , or if a legal aid certificate is in force in favour of the defendant , then the plaintiff must apply for his judgment and order for costs ( Ord 11 , r 2(3) ( b ) ; ss 12 and 17(1) of the Legal Aid Act 1988 and reg 124 of the Civil Legal Aid ( General ) Regulations 1989 ) .
24 A plaintiff has only four calendar months ( six if leave to serve out of the jurisdiction is required under RSC Ord 11 ) , in which to serve the writ and if he does not serve it within that period the fact that the last day is a Sunday , when it can not be served , does not come to his aid .
25 Although , as has been seen , a written agreement is required under the new SFA Rules in only a limited number of cases , firms may find that the use of a written agreement is useful for commercial reasons .
26 A listed offeror is required under the Yellow Book to make an immediate announcement once the terms of an offer are agreed , except in the case of a Class 3 takeover not involving the issue of listed securities as consideration .
27 Their establishment is required under EC fisheries policy .
28 A MIGHTY blow for honesty can be struck today at Lord 's — nothing is required beyond the crowd rising as one for Allan Lamb .
29 Most students start with vague objectives or change direction quite fundamentally during their first year so that a wider range of courses is required including some broadly-based and some of a more specialized nature .
30 In the European Community , minimum periods of notice are often required before a strike in an essential service can take place and a minimum level of service is required during industrial action .
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