Example sentences of "[is] held [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They also became aware of the low regard in which the farm worker is held outside their own rural area .
2 To raise the money , each member of the department donates fifty pence a week and at the end of every month , a raffle is held of goods that have been collected together .
3 If L grants a lease to T and then T assigns it to A , there is no privity of contract between L and A since there has been no direct transaction between them ; but there is privity of estate , for A has become L's tenant by acquiring the estate which L created and which is held of L as the immediate landlord .
4 For the sit-ups either a dumb-bell or a weight disc is held to the chest , and the back is kept slightly rounded with the chin on the chest .
5 He is held to be efficient , fair-minded , scrupulously honest , and is well-liked by his colleagues .
6 In Chicago , an annual chipping ceremony is held to the strains of ‘ O Christmas Tree , O Christmas Tree . ’
7 English law has tended to confine narrowly the situations in which a mistake is held to negative the consent apparently given by the woman : only where the victim was made to believe that the man was her husband , or that the act to which she was being asked to consent was not sexual intercourse , is the mistake sufficiently fundamental to convert the apparently consensual sex into rape .
8 Thus woman 's sexuality is held to be her most important asset .
9 In some cemeteries an annual or regular service is held to which all the families and friends of people who have been buried or cremated in the last year are invited .
10 Removal of water through artesian wells is held to be the reason why the tower began going off at an angle soon after building work began in 1174 .
11 Now , when I touch his cheek with my finger , he responds normally , but not as quickly as he responds when he is held to the breast .
12 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
13 Latent inhibition is held to be a consequence of the formation of associations among these elements .
14 Some form of pupil assessment , intelligible to everyone and as far as possible uniform throughout the country , is held to be essential since it is through such public assessment that what is taught and learned at school is most clearly related to the world outside school .
15 The idea that we might feel , that we might be angry , that we might care , that we might even have what are disparagingly known as ‘ gut feelings ’ rather than hard scientific evidence , is held to be something of a problem if you are an environmentalist on the road to success .
16 Ultimately , of course , whether a cause is held to be direct or indirect is a statement about the state of scientific knowledge at the time ; while one variable may provide an illuminating explanation for a puzzle at one point in time , it is likely to provoke further questions about how it operates at a later date .
17 ‘ Make love not war ’ is held to be meaningless except that it is a convenient mutual treaty by which humanity favours co-operation and survival , rather than dangerous destruction .
18 The distinction between males and females is held to be so fundamental as to be unworthy of comment .
19 Social Integration of Incomers and Shetlanders is held to be the aim , and an achievable aim : achievable especially by dispersal of housing ( DDP : 28 ) .
20 Not only are personal data not protected if a Cabinet Minister certifies that exemption is required ‘ for the purpose of safeguarding national security ’ ( a rather vague and wide catch-all phrase ) but there are other exemptions where the protection afforded by the Act is held to be ‘ likely to prejudice ’ the prevention or detection of crime , the apprehension or prosecution of offenders , or the assessment or collection of any tax or duty .
21 Our Christian past is in disrepute , and the very basis for any faith , Christian or otherwise , is held to be discredited .
22 Having a double surface which is held to an aerofoil section by the risers sewn into the body , the foils are quite different to the otherwise flat plate single surface Deltas .
23 Where , however , regulation to forestall the socially damaging or self-destructive tendencies of the system or to rescue the poor is involved , state action is held to be deeply inadequate and seriously counterproductive .
24 His point is a simple enough one : the application of technology is held to be value-free and independent of any human motives :
25 8.8 If any sub-clause of this clause 8 is held to be invalid or unenforceable under any applicable statute or rule of law then it should be deemed to be omitted and if as a result either party becomes liable for loss or damage which would otherwise have been excluded then such liability shall be subject to the remaining sub-clauses of this clause 8 .
26 In a nutshell , it is argued that either Van Valen 's results show linearity with time , which is held to be biologically without significance , or most do not , in which case Van Valen 's ‘ law ’ breaks down .
27 And the most important properties of which this is held to be true are those which constitute our conception of individuals as autonomous agents .
28 For some the internal growth of firms is held to be the dominant force , with merger activity playing a distinctly secondary role [ Prais , 1976 ; Hart and Clarke , 1980 ] , whilst others hold that the opposite is the case [ Hannah and Kay , 1977 ] .
29 This process of policy-shaping is held to be legitimate because the local state has to react to popular pressures in devising its welfare systems .
30 ISAM-XA , an X/Open-compliant resource manager for those wishing to access transaction processing monitors from data held in indexed sequential file systems — despite all the noise , relational still accounts for only 10% of data — is held to be the brightest hope for the future .
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