Example sentences of "[is] expect the " in BNC.

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1 It 's expect the inquest into the deaths will be completed within the next few months .
2 An announcement , perhaps blessed by Microsoft , is expected the last week in January .
3 The princess , looking tanned and relaxed , led her sons into a waiting minibus when the party arrived in London and it is expected the boys will join their father this weekend .
4 The news of her latest pregnancy was broken in November , and it is expected the new baby will make a public debut on her Good Morning BBC1 programme , perhaps next week .
5 It is expected the £3 tickets for the show will sell out quickly .
6 It is expected the increases will be introduced in three annual stages of roughly 5 per cent .
7 It is expected the two incentives will result in £30 million extra for Britain 's trusts and charities .
8 It 's expected the Ministry of Defence will receive up to forty tenders for the Delta Wing jet , including nine from overseas .
9 It 's expected the Williams line-up will be made known next week .
10 It 's expected the appeal will be heard within the next six to eight weeks , until then Colin French is free on bail .
11 The speedy ‘ wash-out ’ effect that set in showed clearly how unrealistic it is to expect the developmental course to be changed when just one period is singled out for attention and no effort is made to follow up that experience and integrate it in an individual 's total life pattern .
12 A really effective technique for tutors with access to many keyboards is to expect the learners to complete word processed task sheets on screen , and store them on disc for later study , marking and collation .
13 You know , it 's got a hundred and twenty eight thousand pension schemes , papers are gon na flood through the door and annual reports and that sort of thing and it seems to me that all of Goods th the way that this , this pension regulator is deemed to act is that he 's expecting the auditors and the actuaries to whistle blow and
14 Much also depends on the seating positions and whether the pilot is expecting the extra ‘ g ’ and prepares for it by tensing himself up .
15 He is expecting the call . ’
16 It may well be that the reader is expecting the authors to indicate which of these theories best explains the development of the military-industrial complex and how ( assuming one believes it to be a problem ) it can bee eradicated .
17 We have got in touch with ( Vice President Hosni ) Murbarak by radio and Mr Sadat is expecting the Shah the day after tomorrow at two P.M. in Aswan " .
18 ‘ With all this publicity , Jackson 's is expecting The Factory Whistle to do very well .
19 This means , for example , that , given the current spot yields , the market is expecting the yield on a one-year bond maturing in three years ' time to be 11.92 per cent .
20 For example , if the current one-year rate is rs 1 = 6.5 per cent and the market is expecting the one-year rate in a year 's time to be = 7.5 per cent , then the market is expecting a 100 investment in two one-year bonds to yield 100 ( 1.065 ) ( 1.075 ) = 114.49 after two years .
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