Example sentences of "[is] the name " in BNC.

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1 Intuition is the name of the game .
2 At one stage the scorer called out : ‘ What is the name of the grey-haired player ? ’
3 What is amusing and significant about this latest reference to ‘ the roads of france ’ is the name of Talleyrand .
4 In the jargon of the trade , ‘ segmentation ’ is the name of the game .
5 A day or two later we were enlightened — Dagbladdet is the name of the daily paper .
6 Secret Agents is the name given to a Christ centred , bible based holiday club resource material from Scripture Union .
7 Denim is the name of the blue woven cloth first made in the French town of Nimes .
8 That it is sustained almost to the point of embarrassment is exactly what is so good about it , since discomfort is the name of this film 's particular game .
9 Ethiopian Mocha is the name given to the cultivated Harar coffees , which are gamey and ideal for drinking black after a meal .
10 is the name generally applied to rice of varying quality and sold as an all-purpose grain .
11 A credit crunch is the name economists give to a sudden reluctance among banks to lend money .
12 In his younger , more confident days he could quip that ‘ formalism is the name given to music not understood on first hearing ’ ; but by 1948 he was less resilient , and the situation more threatening .
13 This is the name given to rapid loss of the TL signal from that part of the glow curve normally thought to be stable .
14 Ours is the civilisation of instant gratification ; the word ‘ discipline ’ used to imply a commitment to some future achievement , and the willingness to make sacrifices for it : now , for many , it is the name of a sexual perversion .
15 SOUNDS LIKE BIRMINGHAM is the name of the year long festival marking the award .
16 Quality and value for money is the name of the game here !
17 Now essentially this also relies on the children 's using their imaginations to find answers — as in the case of the ‘ sewer ’ and the ‘ Lost Valley ’ contexts — but the difference is that ( a ) each ‘ find ’ is given due weight and attention , is publicly shared , evaluated , accepted or rejected , ( b ) the focus within which their imaginations can have free range is defined from the beginning , i.e. the puzzle is clear — ‘ what could be a logical solution ? ’ is the name of the game , and ( c ) the problem-solving does not have to be hurried by action .
18 Stigmaria is the name given to roots of the giant lycopod Lepidodendron ( this page ) .
19 The first thing a refugee child learns is the name of his or her home village in Palestine .
20 After all they are just names in the same way that ‘ gravy ’ is the name for a brown fluid that is poured over meat .
21 1 What is the name of the man replacing the maths teacher ?
22 2 What is the name of the maths teacher ?
23 Nine Standards is the name given to a line of ancient piles of stones , nine in all , built into large cairns by forgotten men centuries ago and adding great distinction to a bleak moorland plateau .
24 The flare gybe is the name given to a faster version of the basic gybe .
25 What is the name of the canal to Sheffield ?
26 Combsburgh is the name of an ecclesiastical parish of great antiquity and a civil parish whose latest status was established by the local government legislation of 1972/4 .
27 When it is sitting in the medicine chest or pharmacy it is not Homoeopathic at all ; it is just a potentised remedy ( potentisation is the name given to the process of preparation of the remedies used ) .
28 A filename is the name given to such text to identify it to you and to Word .
29 Transactional analysis ( TA ) is the name given to a number of related concepts that seek to throw light on the way people behave and feel .
30 It is the name of a new strategy for regional development based on technology .
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