Example sentences of "[vb infin] to stay at " in BNC.

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1 Police believe she will need to stay at the hospital for at least another week .
2 There was no doubt in my mind at the time that Ferrari wanted him and that negotiations had reached a fairly advanced point : perhaps exactly the point Mario wanted , the point where he could go to Chapman and say that he 'd like to stay at Lotus but that Chapman had to be able to match Ferrari 's money .
3 And after scoring the derby winner against Everton in March , Rosy said : ‘ I 'd like to stay at Liverpool but not if it means another season on the bench . ’
4 If I could get a job doing summat like that I reckon I would n't have to stay at Combe Court .
5 However , we would expect the effect of terminal education age to differ among people of different generations : 16 was the minimum school-leaving age for sample members aged 28 or less , whereas any respondents aged 80 or older did not even have to stay at school till they were 14 .
6 You wo n't have to stay at Woodborough Junior much longer .
7 I 'll have to stay at the very least an hour .
8 ‘ You 'll have to stay at home till the baby 's born , wo n't you ? ’
9 The school will be closed for up to a week , and pupils will have to stay at home while temporary buildings are put up on the site .
10 She was the most efficient secretary he had ever had and it irked him that she had made it clear that , if and when he moved , she would wish to stay at Larksoken .
11 Women suddenly discovered they did n't want to stay at the kitchen sink all day ; they wanted the fulfilment that comes from work , too .
12 I wanted to go to work , I I did n't want to stay at school .
13 I did n't want to stay at home I wanted to get back into education and I did n't know how to the easiest way I suppose .
14 I 'll want to stay at
15 We buy theatre tickets and have the restaurant booked when , if we stopped and checked what we actually wanted to do , we might find we would much prefer to stay at home and have an early night . ’
16 If you wo n't come to stay at Mrs Gracie 's , I shall go alone , and find work of some kind to keep myself .
17 One would n't normally suspect the credentials of anyone who could afford to stay at such a place .
18 I wish I could afford to stay at home — in fact I did for two years .
19 I doubt either can afford to stay at a hotel and I know for a fact that they 're not at any of the local hostels ; neither , I have been reliably informed , have they put in an appearance at the local ‘ hippie ’ compound .
20 Sometimes I think I should offer to stay at home and look after the wee fellow myself . ’
21 The girl said she still thinks fondly of her time in England — but could not bear to stay at University College any longer .
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