Example sentences of "[vb infin] herself [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 She told herself she ought to edge away , but she could n't make herself do it .
2 Only then did she let herself watch the clock to the strains of Beethoven 's Apassionata .
3 They were stupid , narrow-minded , and — worst of all — much too friendly , in a patronizing way ; but Breeze would n't let herself feel annoyed .
4 Why did she let herself feel so safe with him , when to him she was nothing more than a hot-tempered child with a woman 's body ?
5 When she sat down she did n't let herself rest against the back of the chair .
6 ‘ She says she can be herself with me , for the first time ; can let herself go . ’
7 She 'd let herself go , last night — but she was none the worse for it , was she ?
8 She did not let herself think of the Scarabae .
9 It was a shock realizing she knew almost nothing of Midnight ; all the worse because she 'd let herself begin to depend on him .
10 She could not really let herself understand what he was saying , but she knew she had to speak out , to let him know it was not just the thought of her father that had brought her here .
11 She could n't allow it — could n't let herself succumb to his manipulation this way .
12 She had to stand up to him ; shout out that she would n't let herself become embroiled in his sordid games …
13 How did she relax and let herself trust again , after what Mortimer had done to her .
14 ‘ She ca n't let herself have fun ? ’
15 She shut her mind to the fact that the pig was a living thing and as she drew the knife across its throat , she told herself that she would not let herself get this attached to any future pigs .
16 Léonie still could not let herself cry for her aunt .
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