Example sentences of "[vb infin] itself in " in BNC.

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1 For that reason , the Territorial Army does not consider itself in any way a second-class alternative .
2 The Madeirans were worried , in particular , in case a post-revolutionary Communist dictatorship should install itself in Lisbon .
3 DOS 5 is more efficient at managing memory and can install itself in a previously unused area of the computer 's memory leaving more memory available for running programs .
4 Perhaps the rage and common decency of the British people will vent itself in the near future where it has not in the past and finally get this Government out and replace it with a more caring one .
5 When the milk teeth came in that shape , Dinah had taken no heed ; no doubt the matter would rectify itself in time .
6 Its schedule would stretch out ( again ) , its management would tie itself in knots ( again ) and its payroll would begin to rise ( again ) .
7 Around the same time , I entered this competition — it was a kind of beauty competition , although it did n't describe itself in that way .
8 Some species have become greatly flattened like the living sand dollar , which has a covering of very fine spines and can bury itself in sand with remarkable speed .
9 But as he drove himself into a last titanic effort to surface into the light , the pain began to divide and concentrate itself in three separate areas of his body ; his head , his right arm and his chest .
10 Therefore , the unwillingness of policemen to define their role in these terms does not show itself in a failure to perform these duties but as a judgement that it is ‘ really ’ the work of others .
11 Low-grade malnutrition ( slightly fewer vitamins and minerals than you need ; too much fat and sugar and too little fibre ) can show itself in small , insidious ways .
12 Particularly this will show itself in the gift of availability to another , a conducive meeting-place , the courtesy of taking the phone off the hook , keeping confidences and having grace to forget as well as remember things people tell us .
13 Resentment will colour our attitude towards our partner and will show itself in a lack of respect and lack of desire to make love .
14 It may show itself in the formation of groups with a hierarchical power structure , or as an outwardly driving force , such as is found in a hunting group .
15 The other benefit of the end of the cold war could show itself in Greece 's relations with the Turks .
16 Internally , rising damp will show itself in several ways .
17 The lack of academic autonomy will show itself in some form or other .
18 But he is insisting , in black and white terms , that the divine sonship , mediated by the Spirit , must show itself in changed behaviour .
19 This may show itself in attempts to ‘ beat the system ’ .
20 Where that can not be achieved , the formation of separate partnerships under a single firm-name may be a more successful method of preserving unity ; ( 2 ) the rivalry mentioned above will commonly show itself in relation to the profitability of each office .
21 Now if children are unable to interpret the visual symbols and the written word , in order to make sense of them , there 's bound to be some reaction which will show itself in a sort of behavioural response which appears to be different from the responses we would receive from children who are able to interpret these words and symbols .
22 On the contrary , he has been deliberately selected by Jesus , probably to his own chagrin , to discharge a distasteful duty so that the drama of the Passion may enact itself in accordance with Old Testament prophecy .
23 This amalgam of experience will embody itself in the final shape and fitting of a lifeboat that is designed to take the RNLI into the 21st century .
24 But the recognition since of the tremendous value of historic buildings of all types , the successful conversion of buildings for new uses and a public determination that history will not repeat itself in terms of the demolition and desecration that was then taking place , have inspired us — and many local amenity societies , preservation trusts , action groups and individuals — to carry on campaigning .
25 Baldwin 's reluctance had therefore to be set against a formidable opposition which had been allowed to solidify and organize itself in his absence .
26 It is not appropriate to judge a novel or film , a work of art or philosophy in political terms if the work in question does not take that form ( i.e. , does not organize itself in terms of political discourse ) .
27 It is a problem which comes up at various points in considering the relations between biology and human practices , and may be put in the following way : how is a phenotypic character which would present itself in other species as a behavioural tendency represented in a species which has a culture , language and conceptual thought ?
28 The paradox does not present itself in quite so acute a form if a weaker version of the contextual approach is adopted , which holds merely that the meaning of a lexical unit reveals itself through its contextual relations , without commitment as to what meaning ‘ really is ’ .
29 The philanthropist Helen Bosanquet drew eagerly on the work of the French sociologist Frederick Le Play to argue that the ‘ stable family ’ with its male breadwinner was ‘ the only known way of ensuring with any approach to success , that one generation will exert itself in the interests and for the sake of another ’ .
30 Occasionally the fungus can ensconce itself in the terminal portion of the urethra , and it may then give rise to symptoms similar to those found in non-specific urethritis .
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