Example sentences of "[vb infin] the use " in BNC.

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1 We do not invoke the use of every single management procedure and every single quality procedure on all projects .
2 The report also proposes that formally constituted management associations should be established to guide and coordinate the use and long-term development of individual commons .
3 What factors will influence the use of discretion ?
4 It proposed not a planned economy in which the State would direct resources but a managed one where the State would influence the use of resources through its fiscal policy .
5 Four ‘ paired ’ studies will be conducted , allowing us to compare and contrast the use of similar technologies in different settings .
6 In the remainder of this section we shall compare the use made of the network variable in three very different studies .
7 Once we have mastered a keyboard , most of us flinch at the idea of having to write a lot of stuff out in longhand , but there are still poor benighted souls that find the keyboard impossible to master , and for their benefit , Microsoft Corp , Apple Computer Inc Lotus Development Corp , General Magic Inc , Go Corp and Slate Corp came together at Comdex to announce Jot 1.0 , a standard that they hope will enhance the use of pen-based computers .
8 Carried to its logical extreme , this doctrine would eliminate the use of all ‘ informational advantages ’ .
9 This is one reason why we do not restrict the use of " style " to what we have called stylistic variation , ie " styled " .
10 Easements for large water mains and high pressure gas mains will restrict the use of the land within a defined distance of up to 3 metres from the main .
11 Will it restrict the use of the electricity interconnectors to France and Scotland ?
12 Section 296A(1) also makes any term or condition in an agreement void in so far as it purports to prohibit or restrict the use of any device or means to observe , study or test the functioning of a computer program in order to understand the ideas and principles underlying any element of the program .
13 It also gives me the power to prohibit or restrict the use of those premises until those conditions are alleviated .
14 The other element is that the county 's are so dangerous , and that 's actually quite unusual , they 're so dangerous that we consider they present a risk and it has to be me that considers it presents a risk to life , and I can either restrict the use of premises , but I can prohibit the use entirely .
15 The third offence would cover the use of worms , viruses , Trojan horses or logic bombs and include both attacks on particular computers and the putting into circulation of infected computer disks that eventually cause unauthorised alterations to computer material .
16 But he must now know that an Iraqi démarche around January 15th — perhaps a partial withdrawal from Kuwait — would make the use of force bitterly controversial at home .
17 As with the male , there is some hormonal decline from the menopause onward ; again , this is less if she keeps in practice , although some vaginal dryness may make the use of an artificial lubricant desirable .
18 This situation would make the use of the masculine form in this instance highly marked .
19 A possible response to this may be that if we want to understand the concept of knowledge we must treat the use of ‘ I know ’ ( the activity of avouching ) as the primary thing , but that there are other psychological verbs — such as ‘ I hope ’ — in which a speaker using the first person singular of the present tense does simply express his mental state .
20 The inhabitant of two dimensional space could also refine the use of his measurement to make a quantitive determination of curvature .
21 This hardly tallies with the sentiments expressed in a letter in the possession of the College in which Coleman , writing on 24 February 1813 , gracefully declined an invitation to become President of the London Veterinary Society : ‘ Gentlemen , I received your letter , and it gives me great pleasure to see so much zeal for the improvement of the veterinary art in Gentlemen , whom any & every Teacher might well be proud to call his Pupils — I shall most willingly grant the use of the College Theatre for the examination and discussion of such points as may be considered by you most important for the advancement of the Veterinary Science … you rightly observe that a number of minds concentrated on one object can not fail to improve any art far beyond the reach of any individual and I have no doubt that the Public will ultimately derive great benefits from your united exertions .
22 A visit in small groups to a local shop might well be a worthwhile preliminary to the introduction of a class shop and may affect the use that the children make of it .
23 We are concerned with two forms of covenant : restrictive covenants , which may affect the use to which freeholders may put their land ; and covenants contained in a lease , which restrict the position of tenants .
24 Such rights will obviously affect the use of a site and the lay-out of development upon it .
25 As in the knife example earlier , the marketing and/or labelling will affect the use to which the product is likely to be put .
26 The court held that trespass to air space was not committed where the flight took place at a height which did not affect the use of the land .
27 But none of the rules given in traditional grammars can explain the use of the definite article in an opening such as :
28 But in 1607 his friend Agostino Agazzari published the first little treatise on continuo performance , Del suonare sopra il basso con tutti stromenti & uso loro nel conserto , which does explain the use of figures .
29 You must explain the use of tapes and give clear instructions on the correct methods of drilling , both in classroom groups and in individual sessions .
30 A , the judge did not explain the use of seven as a multiplier but it not suggested that such a calculation could be done with complete accuracy and using a five percent table , the judge was faced with choosing between seven and eight .
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