Example sentences of "[vb infin] along the " in BNC.

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1 Other duties of the maître are defined in the article ‘ Ensemble ’ : ‘ It is for maîtres de musique , conducteurs and chefs d'orchestre above all to guide , or hold back , or hurry along the musicians so as to obtain ensemble everywhere . ’
2 The jeep continued to bounce and surge along the rutted , forlorn track that led , Robyn prayed , to the barn and to help , for several more minutes , while she gripped the wheel and perched on the edge of her seat , peering through the rain for any signs of civilisation .
3 They set out up the hillside , going slowly , picking their way from one bush and tussock to another and pausing continually to sniff and stare along the great expanse of grass , which stretched on either side as far as they could see .
4 This , in plain terms , means that apart from one small section of scrambling , you can chicken out and walk along the Arête with your head bobbing safely below the crest .
5 Sometimes when the rapids ahead looked particularly fearsome we 'd stop and walk along the river bank to see if they were navigable .
6 They gave Jacqueline a bright parish flag to flap and trail along the ground .
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