Example sentences of "[vb infin] [vb pp] themselves " in BNC.

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1 But it was not a great deceit , after all , and perhaps one day she might be able to explain it to them , and apologise , but for the present matters could not have arranged themselves much better .
2 If , however , C.N.L. were to fail , they would have exposed themselves to the additional financial perils involved in advancing an insupportable plea of justification .
3 Age Concern expressed reservations in its response to the Griffiths Review of Community Care that contracts for certain services might prove unprofitable to private sector providers after a few years , by which time District Health Authorities would have divested themselves of the resources to provide similar services .
4 The difficulties can not plausibly be attributed to the compilers , who would hardly have confined themselves almost exclusively to interfering with the text of Scaevola .
5 They could n't have sorted themselves out then I do n't know what they can do .
6 This may be a simple oversight on the part of the authors of the pamphlet , or it may reflect the thought that since those who attend these colleges would have committed themselves to staying at them until they were 18 ( and such a commitment would be a condition of entry ) , there would be no need for them to take a ‘ school-leaving ’ examination at 16+ .
7 They could have discharged themselves at any time , but they were destitute and the best was done for them that was possible in the circumstances .
8 They know the qualifying course as well as any team in Europe and , shortly before 7pm , should have earned themselves a toast in vodka , imported , of course .
9 The nearest neighbours of Ben Nevis , Carn Mor Dearg and Aonach Beag , both have summits above the 4000 mark ; to another of the group , Aonach Mor , the Ordnance Survey rather churlishly ascribes a height of 3999 only , a tribute to their meticulous accuracy but a pity they could not have permitted themselves a slight error of twelve inches .
10 Moreover , there were many bishops who would have considered themselves first and foremost monks : St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne ( d. 687 ) had a respectable ancestry reaching back to St Martin of Tours ( d. c .397 ) .
11 SUDBURY were always the better team and would have considered themselves unlucky to have drawn , let alone lose .
12 Lack of confidence in the ‘ Portrait of Michael Wohlgemut ’ attributed to Durer resulted in failure at £380,000 ( est. £600,000–800,000 ) while Sotheby 's must have considered themselves unlucky not to find a buyer for the rare Garofalo ‘ Calumny of Apelles ’ ( lot 41 , est. £200,000–300,000 ) , an important but difficult canvas .
13 To think they could have saved themselves the worry .
14 If the owners of these detectors had only checked the batteries or battery fittings , they would have saved themselves postal costs and would have also avoided the inconvenience of being without their detectors for several weeks .
15 The Candy Skins could have named themselves after those stirring Scotts The Fire Engines , who pre dated The Wedding Present 's edgy guitars by about six years .
16 The Candy Skins could have named themselves after those stirring Scotts The Fire Engines , who pre dated The Wedding Present 's edgy guitars by about six years .
17 The example of Alain Robbe-Grillet , who acknowledges a debt to Joyce as well as to Sartre and Gide , offered from the late 1950s onwards a renewed incentive to experiment , at a moment when British writers might have felt themselves particularly distanced from modernism .
18 Theoretically , the Council should have been a cross-section of the people socially ( as we have seen it was geographically ) : its members were appointed by lot , they served only for a year at a time , so that the Councillors should not have felt themselves to be a cohesive hereditary body like the old Areopagus or the ( semi-hereditary ) Roman Senate , and they could not serve more than twice in their lives .
19 Enquiry will focus on the social processes by which such a community , whose original members will have selected themselves , carves itself from the mainstream society , establishing demographic stability and a cultural identity .
20 But er I would have thought they would have presented themselves better , had they have been er well a little bit more colour about it .
21 If there was any ambiguity , that is to say implications which might escape the first or indeed many subsequent readings , they were not the ones which would have made themselves more readily apparent if some form of graphic representation had preserved the tone of voice , the facial expressions or the hand movements of their author .
22 It had a bright plastic deep-fried atmosphere and menu but the alternative as Maxim had pointed out was a long slow dinner at some hotel where they would have made themselves conspicuous by not , repeat not , ordering a couple of bottles of wine .
23 To tell hospital managers that they should have paced themselves to spread the money over the full year is a denial of all the theoretical advantages of a free market .
24 keith richardson says that Gloucester made basic errors and could have helped themselves to nineteen points … you ca n't afford to make such errors against a team like Bath and in the end things went badly wrong
25 A few of its members may already have persuaded themselves that a protector was the most reliable counterweight to Woodville influence .
26 Although the French may have persuaded themselves that they were moving as fast as they could towards the ‘ perfection ’ of Vietnamese independence , it was perhaps indulgent of Acheson to have allowed himself to be persuaded as well .
27 A few of its members may already have persuaded themselves that a protector was the most reliable counterweight to Woodville influence .
28 Fletcher 's book contained a " devastating description of Russian manners and morals " , but was so antique that its scholarly translators must have thought themselves safe in making it accessible .
29 There also sometimes seems to be a feeling that the media could have got themselves better organised and asked for the material earlier .
30 After seeing him , because he thought that once he 'd seen the consultant it would then take some time to get the treatment started , but they must have got themselves over that .
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