Example sentences of "[to-vb] carbon [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The Confederation of British Industry ( CBI ) has added its weight to the lobby for an environmentally friendly national transport policy and called for a series of measures to curb carbon dioxide emissions .
2 An analysis of data collected over the past 50 years by national forestry ministries shows , however , that there has been a sharp decline in the volume of boreal wood " and hence the capacity to absorb carbon dioxide " since the 1960s , as a result of more intensive logging and increased dieback because of the effects of acid rain , pests and fires .
3 Soviet hesitations were evident when Budyko told a climate change conference in Hamburg in November 1988 that it might be better to increase carbon dioxide emissions to encourage warming .
4 THE GOVERNMENT 'S involvement in undermining attempts to freeze carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2000 ( Guardian , November 8 ) should perhaps be viewed together with the Department of Transport 's recently announced road-building programme , and projections that UK road traffic will increase by about 43 per cent over the next 20-30 years .
5 Labour is pledged to freeze carbon dioxide emissions at 1990 levels by the year 2000 ; that is five years ahead of the Government 's pledge .
6 Dr Ken Currie , the head of the government 's Energy Technology Support Unit , had similar reservations when he told the Cabinet at a seminar on climate change in April 1989 that technically it was possible to halve carbon dioxide emissions ( the longer-term Toronto objective ) .
7 There is no evidence to suggest that the chimney was capped deliberately to cause carbon monoxide poisoning .
8 A plant 's mode of existence is shaped by the fact that it can survive , biochemically , by making use of the sun 's energy to trap carbon dioxide and convert it to the foodstuffs , such as sugar , that it requires .
9 The coke burns with the oxygen in the air to give carbon dioxide C + O2 = CO2 and becomes even hotter since this is a highly energy-releasing ( exothermic ) process in which 97 kilocalories are released for every gram-molecule ( mole ) of carbon dioxide formed .
10 Methane 's four hydrogen atoms are replaced by two oxygen atoms to give carbon dioxide .
11 The platinum catalyses the reaction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons with air to give carbon dioxide and water vapour .
12 Combustion : Alkenes burn to give carbon dioxide and water .
13 Eventually a temperature is reached where the endothermic ( heat absorbing ) reaction of carbon dioxide with the hot coke to give carbon monoxide starts , CO 2 + C = 200 ( H = +39 kcal/mol )
14 As soon as they are formed , the 14 C atoms rapidly combine with oxygen to form carbon dioxide which is chemically indistinguishable from carbon dioxide containing either of the other carbon isotopes .
15 Because oxygen is so reactive , it can ‘ burn ’ organic molecules efficiently — breaking them down thoroughly , ultimately to form carbon dioxide and water .
16 When they are burned , their carbon combines with oxygen from the atmosphere to form carbon dioxide gas .
17 With this ‘ chemically correct ’ mixture , all the hydrogen and carbon in the fuel combine with all the oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water .
18 Combustion : Ethyne burns to form carbon dioxide and water .
19 Combustion : Benzene burns to form carbon dioxide and water .
20 The complete oxidation of one molecule of glucose to form carbon dioxide and water provides sufficient energy to recharge 38 molecules of ADP .
21 Down in the heart of the coke the limited supply of air is reacting with the carbon to form carbon monoxide .
22 But at the rate emissions of CFCs are growing , the gases are likely to overtake carbon dioxide as principal contributors to the global warming problem .
23 The Energy Committee 's own calculation was that it would require a 90 per cent increase in gas consumption worldwide to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 10 per cent .
24 Even if we were pledged to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 30 per cent by 2005 ( as the Liberal Democrats are arguing ) , instead of just stabilising them , nobody need lose out .
25 It has been estimated that , just to prevent any further warming of the Earth 's atmosphere , we need to reduce carbon dioxide production — by 50% according to Government estimates and by 80% according to environmental organisations .
26 The European Commission on May 13 approved proposals for an energy tax designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions .
27 European Community environment ministers have agreed in principle to introduce an energy tax to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and combat global warming .
28 It is becoming increasingly clear , the programme claimed , that the EC will not be able to meet its commitment to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 without introducing a tax on fossil fuels and other forms of energy .
29 The EC has agreed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2000 .
30 The European Commission on May 13 approved an energy tax designed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions .
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