Example sentences of "[to-vb] arms [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The party continued to demand arms reductions in 1985–6 .
2 Establish an Arms Conversion Agency to help arms manufacturers to diversify and convert out of the defence field , funded by savings made in the defence budget .
3 A retired Ministry of Defence official has gone on trial accused of accepting a million and a half pounds in bribes to award arms contracts abroad .
4 Therefore it is wrong to collapse arms production into the same category as Marx 's luxury goods in Dept .
5 a clear obligation , recognised by all nuclear weapons states and by other states as well , to pursue arms control in the direction of minimising the role of nuclear weapons in conflict behaviour through negotiations in good faith ; this obligation is a provision , art .
6 They would shuttle between many silos : too hard for the Russians to verify arms control agreements .
7 The Prime Minister had tried to staunch the crisis by calling a full judicial inquiry into whether government ministers allowed businessmen to breach arms sales guidelines .
8 On May 29 Bush called for an end to the proliferation of chemical , biological and nuclear weapons in the Middle East and urged the world 's leading arms suppliers , notably the five permanent members of the UN Security Council , to convene an international conference to devise guidelines to curb arms sales to the region .
9 During his impromptu press conference at Kennebunkport on July 12 , Bush also referred to the " October Surprise " scandal , the allegation that members of the Reagan-Bush 1980 presidential election campaign met with Iranian representatives in Paris in order to promise arms sales to Iran in return for the Iranian government 's agreement not to free 52 US hostages held in Teheran until after the November 1980 presidential election .
10 The Franks Report suggested that : ‘ British Government policies which may have served to cast doubts on British commitment to the Islands and their defence [ include ] the Government 's preparedness , subject to certain restrictions , to continue arms sales to Argentina ( and to provide training facilities in the United Kingdom for Argentine military personnel ) . ’
11 We will place a total embargo on arms sales to regimes which violate human rights , and work for further global agreements among suppliers to control arms sales and technology transfer .
12 We are unlikely to witness arms races in dynamic progress , because they are unlikely to be running at any particular ‘ moment ’ of geological time , such as our time .
13 He concentrated the Sandinista troops along the Honduran frontier ; offered to end arms imports until after the election ; gave assurances of safe conduct to returning rebels ; and then said he was ready to reinstate the ceasefire he had only just abrogated .
14 Islamabad has told Afghan rebel groups to move arms dumps out of populated areas of north-west Pakistan where a huge explosion killed upto 40 people last week .
15 In theory this action was to stop arms shipments from the Sandinistas being sent to El Salvador to support the left wing rebels there .
16 Cripps , in particular , became associated with the notion of " working-class sanctions " ; that is the use of union power to prevent arms delivery and the avoidance of reliance on either the National Government or on the League of Nations .
17 Does the Minister agree that one of the most positive actions that the Government could take would be to encourage the republics of the former Soviet Union to cut arms expenditure ?
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