Example sentences of "[to-vb] directly to " in BNC.

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1 After trying every aquatic shop in the area , I decided to write directly to the manager of Trilcot and within a week I was able to collect an excellent piece of wood which they sent to a nearby store .
2 This treatment applies only to those costs which can be demonstrated to relate directly to the instrument in question .
3 In determining the issue costs of a capital instrument prudence should be exercised to ensure that only those costs which can be demonstrated to relate directly to the issue of the instrument are deducted from the proceeds .
4 The Area Sec has the right to relate directly to Waterloo , but how does this relate to the role of Nat Sec who needs to be informed ?
5 No , this phobia seemed to relate directly to Matthew Blake .
6 Although some patients do attend with a letter from their GP , many prefer to come directly to the clinic , as this saves time and possible embarrassment if they would rather that their family doctor did n't know about the particular problem .
7 People from Europe will want to come directly to the centre , so King 's Cross would bring greater benefits from tourism .
8 Other absentees at the trial were local government officials who contravened Italian law by allowing the plant to vent directly to the outside world and others who took 16 days to evacuate Seveso .
9 While ensuring adequate ventilation through their permeability both fleece and related polypropylene fibre black mulch materials allow any rainfall , watering or liquid feed to pass directly to the plant and root system avoiding the water shedding problems experienced with most plastic covers , mulches and conventional cloche systems .
10 There was only one option left and that was for me to talk directly to Albert Spanswick , the Chairman of the TUC Health Services Committee .
11 Even employers who are punctilious in consulting staff representatives sometimes fail to talk directly to the people whose jobs are at stake .
12 The Government and TANU , at the centre , wanted to talk directly to the people and were becoming increasingly aware of the communications gap between the centre ( the capital ) and the periphery or grass roots , given the remoteness from Dar es Salaam of so much of the country .
13 It is better , especially in manipulative family situations , for individuals to talk directly to each other rather than relay messages through a third party .
14 Her courage flooded back ; but not sufficiently for her to be ready to talk directly to her mother .
15 You need to understand how to get your Mainframe to talk directly to your customers ' PCs , how to integrate voice , data and image systems , that OSI is the international standard with 7 vital layers which makes it possible for previously isolated systems to talk to each other , and that GOSIP is the US and UK Governments ' OSI profile .
16 Willingness to talk directly to pupils about the aims of GIST was another feature of the more successful schools .
17 At that point , only one authority said it had offered training to staff on sex and sexuality , and many workers felt unable to talk directly to young people about sex .
18 What we have said we are involved in a process which must involve both governments and all parties , whose objective is agreement among our divided people an agreement which all our traditions must give their allegiance and agreement , and an agreement which must express which which must respect our diversity , now I have kept repeating that statement since we made it and I asked anyone to tell me what they disagree with it , now the loyalist paramilitary some weeks ago said that if the I R A were to k their impression they 've given all along is that they 're just a reaction to the I R A and if the I R A were to stop they would cease immediately , I immediately put out a statement welcoming that statement by them , I also offered to talk directly to them , but they have refused er given the nature of their campaign , particularly at the moment , I begin to wonder do they want the I R A to stop ?
19 The resultant economics was to lead directly to the Renaissance , and thence to the Industrial Revolution .
20 This may be a desirable policy from the egalitarian point of view , but it is not likely to lead directly to any substantial reduction of housing inequalities as the evidence from countries such as Canada , without mortgage tax relief , shows .
22 Once the Royal Family never needed to appeal directly to the British people .
23 The KH-11s may be able to transmit directly to the allies ' command centre in Saudi Arabia .
24 The fund had acted as a conduit for the money from ivory trade associations in Japan for one year , but this was stopped by Mr Lapointe , Mr Bohlen said , because he wanted the money to go directly to the secretariat .
25 It is not always in the interest of farmers or agents to go directly to companies with an interest in selling equipment or attempt to design a system themselves .
26 The Exhibitors Film Exchange recommends a ‘ Neighbourhood Advertising Plan ’ , the essence of which was that every manager would define ‘ the radius or zone ’ from which his ‘ logical business ’ was secured and that he should then proceed to go directly to the individuals whose patronage he could reasonably expect .
27 As the wind increases above this level it is better to go directly to the No 3 to help the stability of the boat rather than changing to the No 2 .
28 Thus , they argue , why not short-circuit the development of ambient air quality standards , air monitoring , diffusion modelling , etc. and simply require all emitters to go directly to a ‘ good practice ’ emission standard ?
29 In this latter group of patients it may be more efficient to proceed directly to a trial of amiodarone or ICD placement rather than to proceed with a lengthy course of serial drug testing .
30 Perhaps the boy had made a mistake — perhaps he was supposed to report directly to one of the warehouses instead .
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