Example sentences of "[to-vb] himself into " in BNC.

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1 Increasingly man is being urged to launch himself into the barely-explored regions of his innermost self in ‘ crafts ’ which are often unstable .
2 She just looked up at him with bewildered eyes and he put her firmly away , turning to launch himself into the water .
3 It was silly to work himself into a state like this .
4 Somehow or other , the vicar got off stage , and disappeared behind the altar , perhaps off to hurl himself into the flames that would shortly be consuming Donald .
5 When it came time to fling himself into the cradle of the flying harness , the back scenery was slippery with rain , and Gabriel 's bare feet slithered against the paint so that he plunged nose down , the harness slipped down to his hips , and he sawed to and fro , arms outstretched .
6 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
7 Totally blinded , his spectacles streaming with water as he bobbed up , he tried to float himself into the galley .
8 He lay there for several hours , sleeping fitfully , having occasional nightmares , trying to galvanise himself into getting up , and failing because of the absolute exhaustion that appeared to have gripped his limbs .
9 ‘ Plenty of time for de Raimes to lock himself into his keep .
10 I dismissed him as quickly as I could and later found that he had gone to drink himself into a drunken stupor .
11 ‘ On the rare occasion he bothers to leave that damn hotel — sorry , but you know what I mean — he just wants to drink himself into a stupor .
12 This bodily preparation needs to occur so quickly that there is no time for conscious thought , the caveman does not have time to talk himself into this state of readiness .
13 She found herself peering into nooks and crannies , not that he could manage to conceal himself into one , with his breadth , and was almost disappointed when she realised that he had most probably gone out .
14 He decided to use the letter ; the editor of his gossip column astutely elected to buy himself into the good graces of Buckingham Palace by informing their Press Secretary .
15 He needed , essentially , to become a Freeman of the City of London — and the most direct route for him , considering he had served no appropriate apprenticeship , was to buy himself into a livery company first .
16 Eight-times Ryder Cup star Neil Coles produced a spectacular display to fire himself into contention for top prize in the £50,000 Gary Player Seniors Golf Classic at St Pierre , Chepstow .
17 He was much the same height as Hotspur , and much the same build , though twenty years at least older , and a century more crafty , and there was always the curious suggestion about him that he was ready and waiting to fit himself into the void if ever Hotspur slipped out of being .
18 Germany 's captain Nikki Pilic , who had barely put the debacle surrounding Germany 's Olympic nominations behind him , came in for criticism for not resting Becker from the second day 's doubles , especially after he had been forced to play himself into the ground to beat Luis Mattar over five sets in exhausting heat on the first day .
19 At the final moment he was forced to cast himself into the Realm of Chaos to avoid final and utter death .
20 He comically dismisses his attempts to project himself into the narrative future and finds that the past is rendered elusive by the distortions of the means he uses to recapture it .
21 Being adequately provided for , he was able to book himself into a downtown hotel which cost him three dollars per night , though he often failed to make it back to the hotel , finding the cosmopolitan and nocturnal life of the town there entirely to his liking : consecration dismantled !
22 It was true of Eliot , as it was true of Dr Johnson , that he needed to read himself into a writing disposition ; and that is perhaps why some of his best essays were produced under the stimulus of a particular kind — a review-book or some text which would ‘ tie him down ’ .
23 The performance of modern gliders makes it much easier and more likely for a pilot to fly himself into a potential death trap unless he uses his imagination or has already learned to have a healthy respect for the elements .
24 Place and spirit of place is the inspiration of more poetry than we nowadays like to admit ; and to do that poetry justice , the critic needs to turn himself into a tourist .
25 Here it is , he said and pulled out a bottle of foul-looking medicine that could well have been the very stuff that Dr Jekyll used to turn himself into Mr Hyde .
26 A God had the power to turn himself into whoever or whatever he defeated or ate , so Apollo could now assume the form of a dolphin .
27 The last thing he wanted was to turn himself into a do-gooder , but he realized very quickly that most of the volunteers were genuinely and sincerely opening their hearts and homes .
28 Vincent would soon see the struggle to turn himself into what he called a Peasant painter as his prime aim .
29 Vincent strained every nerve to turn himself into a draughtsman acceptable to the illustrated papers , and the strain showed .
30 Its leader , a Colonel Seymour , was charged with committing common assault on Charles Eyres , the leader of the Croydon branch of the organization , after a dispute in which Eyres claimed that Seymour had misappropriated funds and altered the constitution to turn himself into a virtual dictator ; this led to Seymour drawing a sword and pointing an unlicensed gun at Eyres .
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