Example sentences of "[to-vb] themselves in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The common denominator in all these children is a disability to relate themselves in the ordinary way to people and situations from the beginning of life ’ .
2 For many years , no outside organisation had been given permission by the Vietnamese government to establish themselves in their country .
3 The Conservatives now have six representatives on the local council , where they are the largest party , and desperately need a victory in North Down on Thursday to establish themselves in the province .
4 Lomnitz has shown how squatters manipulate social networks to establish themselves in the city ( Lomnitz 1977 ) .
5 These results may also be seen as offering some tentative support to the contention that the greater flexibility now permitted in fee setting , coupled with the ability of architects to establish themselves in a wider variety of organisational forms and to advertise more freely , has essentially lubricated the market and led to greater efficiency .
6 Since their premises are not open to the public , and they do not engage in retail trade , they are able to establish themselves in locations where overheads are cheaper .
7 However for pathogens to establish themselves in the human body they must be in the right place , in sufficient numbers and be sufficiently .
8 The ‘ co-decision ’ procedure applies to areas of law such as the single market , consumer protection , the free movement of labour and the right of individuals and companies to establish themselves in other member states .
9 The way was thereby opened for English merchants to establish themselves in the island , and William Bolton came to Madeira as an agent for Robert Heysham of London , who had a brother in Barbados to whom Bolton shipped a large quantity of wine .
10 These fairly well made , attractive rugs possess an undoubted primitive charm ; but as they have yet to establish themselves in the Western market , one can do little more than make an educated guess as to their current prices and investment potential .
11 As to article 52 , the refusal to register as British fishing vessels boats owned , chartered , managed or operated by nationals of other member states , whether natural or legal persons , deprived those nationals of their right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom in order to pursue their fishing activities under the same conditions as nationals of the United Kingdom .
12 As for companies from other member states , which by virtue of the first paragraph of article 58 are equated to natural persons for the purposes of the application of the provisions on the right of establishment , the Act of 1988 deprives them of the right to establish themselves in the United Kingdom through the intermediary of agencies , branches or subsidiaries , since it provides that only companies set up under the laws of the United Kingdom may be owners and operators of fishing vessels , and restricts their right of participation in the capital of companies or firms , as the corresponding right of natural persons is restricted by the Act .
13 prohibits the application of nationality requirements even where the persons concerned do not intend to establish themselves in the United Kingdom .
14 According to the Council 's general programme for the abolition of restrictions on freedom of establishment ( Official Journal , English Special Edition , Second Series IX , p. 7 ) , ‘ establishment ’ is defined in terms of ‘ installation en vue d'exercer une activité non salariée sur le territoire d'un Etat membre ’ ( rendered in English as ‘ [ persons wishing ] to establish themselves in order to pursue activities as self-employed persons in a member state ’ ) .
15 Consequently it has sometimes been difficult for the new patterns to establish themselves in the face of combined resistance from programme committees , established departments , and professional senior officers .
16 It is very encouraging to know that so many institutions are keen to establish themselves in the important area of advanced IT training and that a significant contribution to costs came from industry .
17 One of the main problems in banking is that banks have not been free to establish themselves in other member states — the technical phrase which applies here is the Right of Establishment .
18 At the same time , different peoples , sometimes referred to as barbarians , began to establish themselves in different parts of Europe and evolve their own culture , sometimes Christian , sometimes not , but the former was not necessarily more civilised than the latter .
19 ‘ It takes most soaps quite a long time to establish themselves in the favour of the audience .
20 The unions are still engaged in a struggle to establish themselves in the available ‘ space ’ , a struggle that has very largely been resolved in the case of the BR unions where it was in any case mainly confined to representation of the footplate grades .
21 Breeders often release the owls too old , without giving them time to establish themselves in the release area .
22 Because beliefs about ourselves are self-fulfilling , these people will continue to find themselves in situations in which they can prove themselves right .
23 Moreover , poorer clubs were anxious not to find themselves in a wages-auction with richer ones and the FA finally set a £4 a week maximum in 1900 , which was raised in 1909 to £5 for senior professionals with a club .
24 Business visitors looking for editorial staff seemed bemused to find themselves in the middle of such a busy and , it has to be said , chatty event .
25 Yet other varieties happen to find themselves in possession of new tricks : they turn out to be even better self-replicators than their predecessors and contemporaries .
26 It is relatively rare for accountants to find themselves in trouble , whether legal or ethical , because work they have done has been misinterpreted or misunderstood .
27 THE story goes that many centuries ago some fishermen in the South China Sea were driven north by a typhoon , but were fortunate enough to find themselves in a splendid natural harbour protected by a large island .
28 The liberal-historians , on the other hand , tend to find themselves in a somewhat more tricky position .
29 Although the story is probably a fair reflection of the Italians ' unwillingness to find themselves in the middle of an English war , most Englishmen seem to have acknowledged Gloucester 's authority .
30 Only sometimes in dreams the terrible days of the siege , which were like the dark foundation of the civilized life they had returned to , would return years later to visit them : then they would awake , terrified and sweating , to find themselves in white starched linen , in a comfortable bed , in peaceful England .
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