Example sentences of "[to-vb] known the " in BNC.

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1 Philip Miller could visit Whitton easily from Chelsea , travelling by boat to Twickenham and he seems to have known the garden well , often commenting on North American plants .
2 The end result is an extremely well-written , amusing narrative which I commend to everyone fortunate enough to have known the Club and particularly to those who will know it in the future .
3 One wore a black felt hat , and his shoulder-length hair and beard were silver enough for him to have known the beatnik era .
4 Oddly enough , the author of the epilogue does not seem to have known the name of the king who first ordered the compilation .
5 ‘ I ought to 'ave known the likes of you would n't do all the things you 've done for nothing .
6 This is a good way to make known the University and a good way too to remind graduates of their Nottingham connection .
7 In 1989 they formulated it thus : The aim of the association is ‘ to make known the tradition of professional women artists and the importance of their work in history , in the present and the future , in both German and international art circles ’ .
8 In Levison v Farin [ 1978 ] 2 All ER 1149 it was held that it would not normally be enough " to make known the means of knowledge which may or do enable the other party to work out certain facts and conclusions " .
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