Example sentences of "[to-vb] itself with " in BNC.

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1 Oxford Polytechnic , deriving from a further education institution with poor facilities , had a struggle to establish itself with the CNAA .
2 It is the Government 's hope that the non A level student , wishing to continue in full-time general education will increasingly come to consider the opportunity offered by C.P.V.E. Whilst this exam has yet to establish itself with either students or employers , there can be little doubt that it is here to stay .
3 So the animal will work in order to provide itself with those conditions .
4 The only problem was that every time he let the dog off the lead it tried to provide itself with a sheep supper , so consequently he had to keep it on the lead and feed it on tins of beans , sausages , bacon and egg , which had so exhausted his stock of food that now he was living on porridge and giving the dog the rest of his sausages .
5 It can not be stressed too strongly that a great deal of the blame for unsatisfactory deeds must lie in the failure of the Scottish legal profession to provide itself with a service for new styles .
6 Decentralization permits each locality to provide itself with the quantity of the good it prefers .
7 Here and elsewhere , the government strove to identify itself with new themes .
8 The church of the apostolic age sought to identify itself with the ‘ poor ’ whom Jesus had declared blessed ( Luke 6 : 20 ) ; or had he meant the ‘ poor in spirit ’ ( Matt. 5 : 3 ) , the humble-hearted , who could hold their property without pride as means to support the destitute ?
9 Quite apart from such specific minor functions , there are no practical restraints upon either House of Parliament seeking to busy itself with any task whatever that it cares to assume .
10 It was in the same year that Culture and Anarchy first appeared that the Charity Organisation Society was founded , to busy itself with the task of classifying and purifying the demoralised lower orders , and to sift out the ‘ deserving ’ from the ‘ undeserving ’ poor .
11 Dickinson half-rose and screamed at the man but the plane lumbered on seeming to spread itself with deliberate stupidity right across his path .
12 De Gaulle had long believed that the PCF 's tendency to align itself with Moscow invalidated it in crucial respects , and in November 1945 he had refused to give the PCF one of the three ministries that he regarded as essential to national security .
13 The penal system needs to legitimate itself with three groups of people : with the public ( including politicians , commentators etc. ) , with penal staff ( including prison staff and probation officers ) and with the penal subjects ( prisoners , probationers and others who are subject to penal treatment ) .
14 Europe began to equip itself with electrical power stations ; London 's first was the Edison Holborn Viaduct station of 1882 .
15 Whereas in Egypt the pharaoh symbolized the triumph of an invincible divine order over the forces of chaos , in Mesopotamia kingship represented the struggle of a human order with all its anxieties and hazards to integrate itself with the universe .
16 The West has been grateful to Kundera , extravagantly so at times , and has shown an impulse to beat itself with his playful fictions .
17 It feeds in order to supply itself with energy , but it does not grow .
18 The inquisitive Warlord turned to realign itself with its mechanical peers which strode onward together in line abreast , to massacre Marines .
19 Once the phase of immediate implementation was passed , this group came little by little to realign itself with many in the first group against whom they had in the conciliar years themselves taken quite a clear stand : a new status quo must be achieved if the Church was not to be upset by ceaseless change and debate .
20 Breaking with all precedent New Scientist started to advertise itself with posters in the London Underground .
21 A Buryat tale relates how one of their groups decided to link itself with the Russians because their own khan chopped off heads for crimes which merited mere birching in Muscovite territory .
22 A band does n't have to concern itself with filling in PRS forms at their gigs until they are working in these larger venues .
23 Mr Ayob added : ‘ Mrs Mandela appeals to the media not to concern itself with , nor speculate about , her personal relationship with her husband which has endured despite 27 years of imprisonment and many years of exile . ’
24 For some reason , Hitler thought that the United States of America would be much too occupied with fighting the Japanese in the Pacific , to concern itself with Europe , so he decided to declare war on the United States on 11th .
25 Let us leave the last words with Walter Abish who declares that ‘ the innovative novel is , in essence , a novel of disfamiliarization , a novel that has ceased to concern itself with the mapping of the ‘ familiar ’ world ’ ( Martin 1983 : 238 ) .
26 This constituted an altogether more active management , which had to concern itself with professional matters .
27 It is clear at that stage the London committee envisaged funding its proposed activities by subscriptions , and that it intended to concern itself with the diseases of cows and sheep as well as horses .
28 Others , including Hobson and Brailsford , went further , arguing that any League would have to concern itself with economic and social , as well as purely diplomatic , matters if the deeper causes of war were to be addressed .
29 During much of the civil war and Interregnum , the English church was far too preoccupied with its own internal convulsions to concern itself with its relations with Catholic and Protestant communities abroad .
30 Geography , as a subject , tends to concern itself with what is done , in what manner and where , especially when it looks at industry and resources .
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