Example sentences of "[to-vb] the door " in BNC.

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1 A high-end offering , the model 620 , destined for the workstation and server markets , will apparently have a performance rating of 100 SPECmarks and is expected to rollout the door mid-1993 .
2 My bedroom , for instance , had a ghost that used to come through it every night — it was n't a visible ghost but it was audible — and I used to see the door open at the other end of the room when I was in bed and then would hear this ‘ clunk clunk ’ … .
3 It would be a tragedy , as some have argued , to see the door closed on closer economic convergence with the prospect of a single European currency at the end of it .
4 Once the full-size version had been seen and digested by the viewer , it was only then necessary to include the doors , the console and one or two wall sections for the illusion to be maintained .
5 The gap between the British and Prussian armies was still very narrow , yet Sharpe 's news proved that the Emperor had his foot between the two doors and , in the morning , he would be heaving damned hard to drive the doors apart .
6 I feel dreadful and lurch forward to headbutt the door .
7 I was going to try the door , but I could hear him snoring before I touched the handle , so I turned and went to the bathroom .
8 A single policeman finally arrived to try the doors — all locked — and ask if the neighbours had heard anything suspicious .
9 He rushed out , calling to Wickham to pull the door shut when he went .
10 She leaned across to pull the door shut after him and felt his warm breath on her cheek .
11 Where , for example , a tenant covenants " to keep in repair the demised property and the windows , window frames , boilers and air conditioning plant " it might be successfully argued on his behalf that he is not liable to repair the doors because they were not mentioned in the catalogue .
12 I know I 'd had to smash the door , he had to smash the door open with a spade , the lock for me , cos , he , he , he could n't get , he tried er taking that panel out at the bottom and he could n't get it out and I did n't really want him to smash the double glazed glass , in fact it , that would of been very difficult
13 I know I 'd had to smash the door , he had to smash the door open with a spade , the lock for me , cos , he , he , he could n't get , he tried er taking that panel out at the bottom and he could n't get it out and I did n't really want him to smash the double glazed glass , in fact it , that would of been very difficult
14 At 11.30 pm , a few regulars stopped by to find the door locked .
15 When at length they reached the expected doorway it was to find the door open .
16 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
17 No wonder she had n't been able to find the door handle .
18 The sewing factory in Buckinghamshire where twenty five workers arrived to find the door locked and the company in receivership , owing them a total of a hundred thousand pounds .
19 Worshippers arrived at the temple in Ealing , west London , to find the doors had been soaked in petrol and set on fire .
20 Many of the latecomers , especially as the afternoon wore on , were furious to find the doors locked , not having heard of the noon closure and so thinking they had all day .
21 I had to put it on the floor to work the door bar and once I had it open , I slid it out with my foot .
22 Kolchinsky used a miniature transmitter to activate the door .
23 A few of the burlier men put their shoulders to the door , but it was built of ancient oak , heavily reinforced with iron and their combined weights failed so much as to cause the door to tremble on its massive hinges .
24 He heard the tell-tale sound of a horse whinnying in the largest barn , and ran to unfasten the door .
25 Dear Harsnet , he wrote , tearing the sheet in his hurry to turn over the page , I know you never reply to letters and refuse to answer the door or the phone .
26 I listen for a bit to hear if anyone 's going to answer the door .
27 ‘ She insisted on staying today , and I 'm grateful to have someone here to answer the door .
28 Turn them off if you have to answer the door or the phone .
29 She was a large woman , flushed with the exertion of constantly having to answer the door , and she still showed in her black hair , grey eyes and lovely skin , traces of her Irish forebears .
30 He went to answer the door himself , his right hand gripping the Walther automatic .
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