Example sentences of "[to-vb] to sea " in BNC.

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1 On Christmas Day in 1806 , three boats comprising of the entire fishing fleet of Stotfield , a fishing village near Lossiemouth in Scotland , prepared to put to sea for a day 's fishing .
2 He was not picked up by A.S.R. largely due to the delay in allowing them to put to sea .
3 To watch them , the largest working sailing ships left in the world , shaped like the galleons of dreams , straining softly into port under thousands of feet of black canvas , made us long to put to sea in them .
4 But you would have to be awfully sure that you were destined for the gallows to put to sea in a small boat during a storm .
5 The refugee camp there was said to be acting as a " magnet " , encouraging more Haitians to put to sea , and it was confirmed that the camp would be phased out .
6 It is important that the decision of the ship 's owners to put to sea was voluntary .
7 In We Did n't Mean to Go To Sea , the Swallows return to the centre of the stage .
8 It is easy to see how the plot of We Did n't Mean To Go To Sea hatched , as he looked out into the distance and remembered a time when as a young man his anchor had dragged , and he had found himself sailing out to sea at night .
9 During his fishing time though it was sheer delight for him , his boys were always ready and willing to go to sea , bother U-boats etc !
10 In 1829 , as the lad approached the age of 14 , decision time was coming ; if Benjamin had any yearning to go to sea like his brother , he seems to have kept it quiet , but there was every need to find him a safe and secure job with prospects .
11 When he expressed his desire to go to sea , David had attempted to dissuade him , saying , ‘ It 's a hard life , Matthew .
12 I decided to go to sea again , and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands in the South Pacific Ocean .
13 When I reached home , my wife made me promise never to go to sea again , and I thought my adventures had come to an end .
14 I stayed in London for some time , but I still wanted to go to sea .
15 ‘ And these fellers used to go to sea like that ; and in these boats they were gone ten and twelve weeks , and they slept in little bunks , and they never changed their clothes the whole time .
16 The only objection came from the Nippon Challenge who were unwilling to go to sea with JAP on their mainsail .
17 So you 'll be able to go to sea now .
18 ‘ In real life it would take them some time to get this boat ready to go to sea .
19 But I was interested in the sea , I wanted to go to sea , and and er Uncle John was my pirate uncle I thought .
20 And er I of course always wanted to go to sea , but er wh with two drowning in the family , er mother w w did n't appreciate that much .
21 Except when he had to go to sea .
22 Phil was so anxious to get to sea that I was finishing typing my report as we entered the lock , and handed it up to the local officer as the seaward lock gate opened .
23 With justice Henry V is credited not only with having understood , better than did any of his contemporaries , what were the naval problems which faced England in the early fifteenth century , but also with having done much towards the creation of a fleet of ships , some of them very large , almost ‘ prestige-type ’ vessels , which would make it possible for the English to take to sea quickly and thus try to wrest the initiative from any enemy who might be coming against them .
24 He had recovered sufficiently by the spring to return to sea as flag-captain in the Resolution under Generals Richard Deane and George Monck [ qq.v. ] , and took part in the major actions off the Gabbard in June and the Texel in July .
25 At the same time another craft was heard to approach shore and then to return to sea .
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