Example sentences of "[to-vb] to court " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
2 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
3 However , the significant fact was that this incident took five years to come to court .
4 The case could now take two years to come to court .
5 The charge for being in unlawful possession of the Thompson was the first to come to court .
6 He said he was quite prepared to come to court with the film , ’ the judge said .
7 Very few witnesses had been found who were prepared to come to court to repeat their statements in the flesh , but some did and their words were translated first into English and then into German , causing some confusion as to the precise meaning of what they had actually said .
8 If a witness is reluctant to come to court you need to consider whether their enforced presence will be counterproductive , but most witnesses will accept the situation in the end and give their evidence in good faith .
9 That case is not expected to come to court for a few months and Dairy Crest wanted to stop him trading in the meantime .
10 That challenge is likely to take months to come to court .
11 He 'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court .
12 The two men argued that 's it 's an abuse of the legal process for the case to come to court 24 years after they allegedly helped the soviet double agent escape from Wormwood Scrubs , but Mr Randall has mixed feelings about their victory .
13 [ But ] I do n't want an agreement where I have to apply to court to get them out .
14 Social workers say they never had enough evidence of maltreatment to go to court for a care order .
15 I 'm only here under duress because I did n't want to go to court over this nonsense .
16 ‘ I might have to go to court . ’
17 The libel laws should be changed to provide a ‘ fast track ’ system allowing victims of media falsehoods to correct them quickly without having to wait a long time for their cases to go to court and gamble on the result .
18 Although they had certain rights especially under equity law , few women were willing to go to court against their husbands At lower levels of society the forms of marriage tended to be more relaxed .
19 The expiry date loomed as we prepared to go to court , but to our relief Wedgwood agreed a three-year extension in recognition of the work we had done .
20 The day came when we were to go to court to legalise the situation .
21 If he did n't want to go to court for a very minor offence , then you could caution him .
22 Eventually it was left to the proprietors of the banned publications — Times Newspapers Ltd , News International plc , etc. — and ratepayers in some of the local authorities affected to go to court .
23 Researchers for the Lord Chancellor 's Civil Justice Review found that three quarters of local authority tenants , half the private tenants and two-fifths of mortgage borrowers failed to go to court .
24 It can also increase your bargaining powers if the other side knows you are not afraid to go to court .
25 You either have to go to court knowing that you are likely to lose .
26 ‘ Anyway , Anne , the important thing is to go to court and accustom yourself to its ways , ’ she said practically .
27 Now engineer Jaafer Sheblee , 34 , plans to go to court to make Thornton Swish stick to the contract .
28 But her mum refused to hand over a penny — and Chris 's parents finally decided to go to court for the cash .
29 Mrs White , 52 , said : ‘ We never wanted to go to court to get the money .
30 But I consider myself perfectly competent to be able to go to court , make applications for remand , make pleas of mitigation where there 's a guilty plea and also conduct a case in such a way as to be able to pass it over to someone else in the practice .
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