Example sentences of "[to-vb] [noun] officers " in BNC.

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1 The majority were based in CAEx , some in local authorities , ( e.g. in social services departments or to support rent officers ) , and there were six voluntary sector money advice centres .
2 The current ESRC award is to enable research officers to be appointed to assist with the international comparative analyses of the first results of the research programme .
3 Many men who obtained small posts as excisemen were not themselves members of a burgh council , but it would be unusual to find revenue officers in Scottish towns without close political links with men who mattered in the politics of burgh or county .
4 D d er do the people get to know police officers name ?
5 A reluctance to prosecute police officers .
6 Industrial action over staffing arrangements has continued since the introduction of ‘ Fresh Start ’ — most notably at Wandsworth prison in early 1999 , where police officers were drafted in to replace prison officers .
7 A videotape made by the JNA had been broadcast on Jan. 25 , purporting to show Spegelj at a private meeting boasting about Croatian arms purchases from Hungary , and discussing plans to kill JNA officers .
8 That is what it is , a tool to help police officers carry out their difficult task of investigating and detecting crime and bringing offenders to justice .
9 While trying to avoid police officers guarding the building , Howard falls headlong into a cellar .
10 In particular , they 're said to help women officers .
11 They will , for example , know how to alert immigration officers at all ports and airports to the possibility of a child being taken out of the country .
12 By extension , then , conservation practices left undone , legislation remaining unheeded , projects that only serve to keep research officers in salary and which never leave the experimental station ( those things not done ) are also political acts and not just omissions , or non-events which do not need explaining .
13 Nine indicated that they were planning either to introduce or change SCOTVEC awards during the lifetime of the project and that they would be happy to permit SCOTVEC officers to observe their various internal quality assurance procedures as part of the pilot .
14 Mr Goodall said : ‘ We have to protect prison officers , police and society and in particular our children have to be protected .
15 It was planned to appoint development officers whose work would cover a local area large enough to keep them occupied full time but sufficiently small to be manageable .
16 Many people wish to see police officers when they attend a police station .
17 He made it very clear he would like to kill police officers .
18 Following the success of their efforts with Guiding Lights , early in 1980 the cutters were again called upon to assist investigation officers in the final stages of a similar operation code named " Yashmak " .
19 But what is it like to face Immigration Officers when you come to Britain for the first time , not knowing the language , uncertain about the future ?
20 Seven National Development Officers ( NDOs ) have recently been appointed to assist SCOTVEC Officers in progressing the Advanced Courses Development Programme .
21 The separate offence exists as a warning that ‘ those who are minded to assault police officers should appreciate that they run a real risk of a sentence of immediate imprisonment . ’
22 If the hon. Gentleman had listened the last time we had Home Office questions he would know perfectly well that the standard spending assessment has been set in West Yorkshire to enable it to employ police officers up to the full establishment .
23 Thus , decrees were issued ordering the dissolution of the rebel units , exempting troops from any duty to obey rebel officers , abolishing the state of martial law proclaimed where the insurgents had triumphed and dismissing rebel generals .
24 Parys had been suspended after alleging on April 6 that politicians were planning to involve army officers in political intrigue .
25 Some years earlier , the Liverpool Watch Committee had tried unsuccessfully to ban police officers from membership of rival Protestant and Catholic quasi-political organizations .
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