Example sentences of "[to-vb] [been] set " in BNC.

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1 In June 1962 the NCCL had adopted a resolution from the Connolly Association calling for an inquiry into civil liberties in Northern Ireland ; the NICCL seems to have been set up in response and as its first action , in July , it held a meeting to prepare a memorandum on civil rights to present to Mr Justice Bose of the International Commission of jurists , who was visiting Belfast .
2 Plans to rebuild the Foreign Office appear to have been set in motion with the discovery of the poor state of the building and complaints from Palmerston that it was too small and had no rooms suitable for banquets and receptions .
3 ( ii ) Second reading In his discussions with the Leader of the House relating to the Bill , the Minister will have arranged for certain times ( usually a day or two , but perhaps up to eight days ) to have been set aside for the second reading debate .
4 Now that the legal framework for the rest of the century appears to have been set attention can be given to the task of interpreting it for governors .
5 88110 machines are said to be ‘ on the way ’ , but no dates appear to have been set .
6 Pakistan toiled to 165 for 8 by the 7pm close , and the terms for a low-scoring game seemed to have been set .
7 There is evidence that the present east gable is a replacement , made very soon , for another , likewise with a battle , which seems then to have been set up on a base in the sanctuary , its centre akroterion also .
8 The small smelter and mint was said to have been set up in the heart of the Rusland woods down towards the Leven Estuary , and coins were turned out in large numbers .
9 Negotiations were said to have been set up between the government and Gen. Jorge Ballerino , one of Pinochet 's close advisers , to negotiate terms .
10 All of Kuwait 's 950 producing oil wells were reported to have been set ablaze or damaged .
11 Both sides in the 15-year civil war , the Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola ( MPLA ) government and the United States-backed National Union for Total Independence of Angola ( UNITA ) , blamed the other , and no date appeared to have been set for a resumption .
12 Beatriz Villamizar , one of the journalists , was reported to have been set free by the cartel in the capital Bogotá on Feb. 5 .
13 Lawyers for the deposed Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega were granted more time to prepare their defence when , as announced on June 7 , the trial was postponed from July 22 to Sept. 3 , the fourth date to have been set since Noriega was charged in January 1990 .
14 After exhausting the appeals process , the final execution date — the fifth to have been set for Harris — was arranged on March 14 .
15 No formal time limit appeared to have been set on the US military presence , although Bush was reported on Dec. 4 as saying that he wanted the troops out by Jan. 20 , 1993 , when he was due to leave office .
16 However , the quota limits , determined largely by commercial considerations , are now believed to have been set too high .
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