Example sentences of "[vb base] ourselves to " in BNC.

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1 If we confine ourselves to explanations couched in the vocabulary of physics or neurochemistry , then we are going to lose , or fail to formulate , a vitally important set of generalizations about human behaviour , and science will never be able to explain or predict behaviour in a satisfactory way .
2 Nevertheless , species are real things , with real discontinuities between them — at least if we confine ourselves to sexual organisms living in the same place at the same time .
3 We must again remember to search for the constitution amongst the realities , and not confine ourselves to pretty normative structures .
4 Even if we confine ourselves to the more usual outlets for creative expression — in the arts and sciences — there is similar ambiguity .
5 Even if we confine ourselves to the difference of aim between reformist and revolutionary parties ( or of social movements , which can be classified in a similar way ) , the distinction can not always be made in an absolutely clear-cut fashion .
6 Is it that she , she 's , she 's , she 's wondering what will happen to her family or children if they go abroad , or is she thinking that each country in the Community , perhaps having some special erm excellence of its own , ought to be shedding this example among the others so that we all raise ourselves to a common , higher level ?
7 It seems quite innocent to talk of ‘ processes ’ and ‘ states ’ , but with such talk we blind ourselves to what really matters .
8 This is probably acceptable so long as we restrict ourselves to a single group , like mammals , but there is some dissent when people seek to extrapolate mechanisms from non-vertebrate species , like molluscs , to the mammalian brain ( e.g. Hawkins and Kandel 1984 ) .
9 The survey of Rutland not only covers a complete , if miniature , county , but also records the status of virtually every inhabitant in all but three townships ; although the subsidy rolls contribute useful supplementary material we will , for the present purpose , restrict ourselves to the muster book .
10 The mathematicians guarantee that all will be well provided we restrict ourselves to operators which satisfy the condition which they call being hermitean .
11 But even if we restrict ourselves to the ideational or cognitive function of language ( see p 31ff ) it is necessary to distinguish three levels of organization in language .
12 The set of laws given is not exhaustive ; we restrict ourselves to the laws needed to translate finite programs to normal form .
13 If we restrict ourselves to puts and calls on a single security there are 4 simple types of investment strategy to look at :
14 If we restrict ourselves to products with serious and substantial information content , our focus in the computer software sector is largely on educational markets .
15 This is not to deny that questions of income distribution are important , but they do not concern us here , and so we restrict ourselves to " baking the biggest cake " .
16 So what I propose is that we put the notion of happiness back in its box and restrict ourselves to the word ‘ happy ’ , which people do in fact use in everyday circumstances .
17 Next we restrict ourselves to harmonic ( optical ) fields E(t) , with angular frequency w : Assuming , for definiteness , that the atom is initially in state 1 , and expressing its subsequent evolution as then standard application of time-dependent perturbation theory gives , to lowest order Clearly the largest excitation will occur in cases where hw is resonant with an atomic energy spacing { maths } .
18 If we imagine ourselves to be standing outside time , looking down upon the history of the Universe as if it were a relief map , we get a different perspective .
19 If there are difficulties in claiming that ahi sā is the right way in all circumstances and that the way of violence can never lead to Truth , there are similar difficulties in assuming that no violation of moral duty is involved in the practice of satyāgraha , or that it is only through the practice of satyāgraha that we show ourselves to be informed by the spirit of Truth and non-violence .
20 ‘ Are you suggesting we deliberately show ourselves to a human ? ’
21 Only as we begin to respond personally to the text 's content and open ourselves to its message ( irrespective of whether the consequence of this is an acceptance , modification , or rejection of it ) do we go beyond a mere decoding or perception of the words and begin to perceive meanings .
22 I fear the Tory tabloids have made it difficult for those of us anti-Leftists who consider ourselves to be of a more reflective disposition .
23 Not many of us consider ourselves to be good listeners .
24 Our lives become richer and more free as we give ourselves to God and to of hers .
25 It is always surprising how little we , as individuals , understand of the emotional basis of our own social relationships and behaviour — about the way we present ourselves to other people , about aspects of our personality which others find attractive , and those which are not so attractive .
26 We have identified some areas of weakness , and others in which we believe that the investment of resources will substantially improve the way in which we present ourselves to the public , and provide services which we are currently unable to undertake .
27 The way in which we present ourselves to outsiders conveys information about the organisation , its aims , the professionalism of our staff , and the methods by which we operate .
28 Individually these are small matters but collectively they are important in the way we present ourselves to the outside world , or in modern jargon the way we market the profession .
29 In it we know ourselves to be rational agents detached from spontaneity , judging on objective grounds what will serve our ends .
30 By the very act of reading on into the tale from the Miller 's Prologue we as readers allow ourselves to be manipulated into supposing ourselves somehow different from the readership of " " every gentil wight " " that is offered a warning and an invitation to : We know ourselves to be more complex beings .
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