Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] love " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh , yes , I 've seen love . ’
2 ‘ I have to confess , you 're not the first woman I 've made love to . ’
3 ‘ You 've made love to me five times , ’ she said .
4 ‘ But you 're an experienced man — you 've made love to many , many women .
5 ‘ I 've had varying success with the women I 've made love to in the past , but I 've never made one throw up before ! ’
6 Unless parents are on their guard , they may often give the impression that they have withdrawn love and acceptance , just at the time when both are most needed .
7 I say no mine , perhaps the choice of location … he says it ca n't be your fault , you have made love to the most brilliant and beautiful men of your generation , you have slept with the great .
8 When they have made love — it is unbearably intense for him — clouds scud across Candice 's eyes .
9 The Three Hundred Club is for people who have A , done a South Pole streak from sauna , two thousand , oh two hundred degrees Fahrenheit to outdoors minus one hundred degrees Fahrenheit or a penis , a penis of over three hundred millimetres long or a club for people who have made love in a helicopter ?
10 7 All except Prince Edward are self-confessed toe-suckers. 8 All except the llama are Buddists. 9 All except the Archbishop have sired love children .
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