Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] respect " in BNC.

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1 So the horse gets used to doing what we want by suggestion rather than by domineering authority and punishment , and continues to do what we want through respect , habit , and a growing trust and affection for us .
2 In 1529 the reading , purchasing or possessing of proscribed books , attendance at any meeting of heretics , disputing about Holy Scripture , and want of respect for the images of God and the saints were all made crimes for which men were to be beheaded , women buried alive , and relapsed heretics burned .
3 The implications of this for the relation between how and the infinitive are exactly the same as with need and dare : if the means of realizing the infinitive 's event are not felt to exist , then there is felt to be nothing real occupying the before-position which real means always occupy with respect to the end pursued , and therefore no to preceding the infinitive .
4 ( 4 ) The provisions of section 68 of this Act shall apply to any remises or place in respect of which an occasional permission is granted as they apply to licensed premises , with the substitution of references to the holder of the permission for the references to the holder of a licence .
5 ( 5 ) The provisions of section 85 of this Act shall apply to any premises or place in respect of which an occasional permission is granted as they apply to premises in respect of which a licence ( other than an off-sale licence ) is in force .
6 ( 6 ) The person to whom an occasional permission is granted shall ensure that the provisions of this Act or any byelaws or regulations made thereunder relating to the conduct of licensed premises are observed in the premises or place in respect of which the permission was granted as if he were the holder of a public house licence , and if he contravenes this subsection he shall be guilty of an offence : Provided that it shall be a defence for any person charged with an offence under this subsection if he proves that he used due diligence to prevent the occurrence of the offence .
7 Integrate it again it gives you the distance you integrate with respect to time .
8 The insurance companies listed in Appendix A , undertake in respect of any policy in which any of the banks/organisations listed in Appendix B has notified an interest , using the prescribed form in Appendix C , that they will instead of endorsing the policy with the bank's/organisation 's interest —
9 Section 13(1) provides that : To the extent that this Part of this Act prevents the exclusion or restriction of any liability it also prevents — ( a ) making the liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions ; ( b ) excluding or restricting any right or remedy in respect of the liability , or subjecting a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any such right or remedy .
10 However , the ambit of the Act is extended by s13 which provides that to the extent that the Act applies the exclusion or restriction of liability , it also applies to clauses which : ( a ) make " any liability or its enforcement subject to restrictive or onerous conditions " , such as time limit clauses requiring notification of claims , or commencement of proceedings , within a limited time ; ( b ) exclude or restrict " any right or remedy in respect of the liability " , such as clauses : ( i ) excluding the right of a buyer to reject goods , terminate a contract or exercise a right of set-off , or ( ii ) requiring a customer to accept repair or replacement from the supplier ; ( c ) subject " a person to any prejudice in consequence of his pursuing any right or remedy " ; ( d ) exclude or restrict any rules of evidence or procedure , such as clauses : ( i ) making certificates of quality conclusive evidence that goods correspond with the contract , ( ii ) making one party 's record of a transaction conclusive evidence of the facts recorded , ( iii ) requiring certain evidence in order to obtain particular remedies — eg " no refunds without receipt " .
11 It was thought that amending legislation would be introduced ( Practical Lawyer , June 1990 , p11 ) but until it is , in addition to the risk of the conveyance or transfer with respect to the matrimonial home being set aside , the wife may find it difficult to sell the property ( although the Law Society takes the view that there is " very little risk that a Court would exercise its powers to deprive an innocent owner of his title . "
12 Since children vary with respect to the ages at which they demonstrate any particular behaviour , norms represent an ‘ average ’ obtained from an examination of the developmental changes occurring in a large number of children .
13 They vary with respect to size .
14 They vary with respect to their professional representation .
15 They vary with respect to their location ( indeed , 10% of the teams replying did not have a common base at all ) .
16 They vary with respect to their catchment populations .
17 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a member state prohibits retail premises from being open on Sunday for the sale of goods to customers , save in respect of certain specified items sales of which are permitted , and where the effect of the prohibition is to reduce in absolute terms the sales of goods in those premises including goods manufactured in other member states , and correspondingly to reduce the volume of imports of goods from other member states , is such a prohibition a measure having equivalent effect to a quantitative restriction on imports within the meaning of article 30 of the Treaty ?
18 In view of the remarks about the hypersensitivity of a man ‘ who could be extremely shy and nervous in the company of other people ’ ( to quote Ackroyd 's paraphrase of his own words to Djuna Barnes in 1951 ) , I should like to record that , save in respect of sensitivity , I never found him like that .
19 Save in respect of the reported acquisition of 5,000 stock units by K.H. Ashwell on 27 January 1993 , there has been no change in any of the above interests between 31 December 1993 and 30 March 1993 .
20 Save in respect of a tranche of 5,800 options granted to C.J.S. Johnson in October 1992 under the Wedgwood Savings Related Share Option Scheme at an option price of 12.5pStg. no other options were granted to any other Director or to the Company Secretary in 1992 .
21 Such acceptance will be subject to contract save in respect of the provisions of paragraphs … , … and … in respect of which there shall be a legally binding obligation between the Managers [ on behalf of themselves and [ name of company incorporated to effect acquisition ] ] and yourselves .
22 Whatever the parties negotiate in respect of the warranties , if any of the managers makes a false statement of fact which is material in inducing the investor(s) to enter the agreement , a right of rescission will arise , whether the statement is written into the agreement or not , either at common law if the misrepresentation is fraudulent , or under the Misrepresentation Act 1967 if it is negligent or innocent .
23 As in the case of turning described above , Rosenbrock sees two paths open in respect of design .
24 The accommodation model deals with the adjustments which speakers make with respect to each other in a particular encounter , but it can not explain the " base line " of behaviour which each individual brings to that encounter , i.e. the speaker 's own norm , which is itself somehow related to the community 's norm .
25 138 ( 1 ) This section has effect where a lessor is proceeding by action in a county court to enforce against a lessee a right of re-entry or forfeiture in respect of any land for non-payment of rent .
26 ‘ We regret in respect of the national anthems our undertaking has been violated and breached and we apologise unconditionally to anyone who has been offended by this breach ’ .
27 These responsibilities apply with respect to the public and others who may be working close by .
28 The new rules apply with respect to a transfer of value and other events occurring after 9 March 1992 .
29 Since all five surveys differ with respect to their methods of investigation and the type of estimate made , the figures used to indicate the rate of known opioid use in Wirral have been adjusted to increase the validity of each comparison ( see Table 2.3 ) .
30 The same conditions apply in respect of any timeshare credit agreement .
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