Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] necessary " in BNC.

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1 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
2 Health regulations are subject to change , and you should check with your own doctor prior to departure as to which inoculations the Department of Health consider it necessary for specific areas .
3 We consider it necessary … to proceed to the resolution of the nationality question .
4 ‘ May I ask the editors of Fleet Street , whether , in the execution of their jobs , they consider it necessary or fair to harass my daughter daily , from dawn until well after dusk ?
5 A major exception to the principle of proportionality relates to the sentencing of offenders for violent and sexual offences , in respect of whom courts are empowered to pass longer sentences than are ‘ commensurate ’ if they consider it necessary ‘ to protect the public from serious harm from the offender ’ ( section 2(2) ( b ) ) .
6 We , however , consider it necessary now to disaggregate the main national trends into their principal spatial components in Part II , before considering the different circumstances and politics of four broad geographical types of area of Britain in Part III .
7 Another difference between the Act and The Stock Exchange rules is that the latter specifically permit pre-emptive offers to exclude holders of shares when the directors ‘ consider it necessary or expedient … on account of either legal problems under the laws of any territory or the requirements of any recognised regulating body or any other stock exchange . ’
8 I will consider the written representations and representations in reply of both the parties and may , where I consider it necessary , seek additional oral representations from the parties possibly by means of interviews .
9 The Yugoslav Assembly approved the federal presidency 's position which would " remove inconsistencies in the procedure for the possible secession by any republic from Yugoslavia , thus removing the danger of republics regulating this matter as they consider it necessary " .
10 Please could you look into the matter with a view to re-positioning the lines if you consider it necessary .
11 It is with a feeling of sadness that we consider it necessary to express our reservations about Winnie Mandela 's judgement in relation to the Mandela Football Club .
12 To refute any groundless gossip on so important a subject I consider it necessary to inform you that I have no intention of doing so immediately .
13 obviously preferable to get evidence given about the documentation which is why I advise , consider it necessary for your Lordship to familiarise yourself with it now .
14 Those who embark on this deeper , marketing-centred analysis find it necessary to separate this process from the regular tactical use of the database for sales mailings .
15 But if the reformers are in the ascendant , why did their fragile 86-year-old leader , Deng Xiaoping , find it necessary to make an appearance on December 26th at a local election ?
16 Some groups in the Church can not even live peacefully alongside each other or listen to each other , but find it necessary to throw insults — or even bombs — at their sisters and brothers in Christ .
17 If you find it necessary to withdraw from your course you should immediately consult your Studies Adviser or Senior Course Tutor who will advise you of the procedures to follow before withdrawing from your course .
18 Most people who have sex outside marriage still find it necessary to invoke some powerful excuse for it — even to themselves …
19 We regularly have 200 worshippers singing with us and this requires quite a lot of volume from the band to lead effectively , but I never find it necessary to increase the master volume on the Marshall beyond half way .
20 It is an exploration of [ a ] vocabulary … which has been inherited within precise social and historical conditions and which has to be made at once conscious and critical — subject to change as well as continuity — if the millions of people in whom it is active are to see it as active : not as a tradition to be learned , nor a consensus to be accepted ; … but as a vocabulary to use , to find our ways in , to change as we find it necessary to change it , as we go on making our own language and history .
21 Sometimes , mothers find it necessary to work ( mainly in service industries ) and so have little time to spend with the children .
22 In order to gain acceptance for their interpretation of educational problems , researchers , administrators and politicians usually find it necessary to ‘ explain' the problem ; to pinpoint the processes which appear to have led to it in such a way as to make the remedy appear obvious .
23 Night Goblins find it necessary to occasionally descend into the chill depths in search of exotic funguses , so they know all too well what dangers await them .
24 One argument is indisputable : that unless there is investment on an enormous scale on the improvement of provision , the reality of day-care experiences for unknown but substantial numbers of young children whose parents find it necessary or choose to work , is likely to remain a cause of concern .
25 That elected governments find it necessary to bow to the wishes of big privately owned companies , that the organs which so largely shape public opinion can be bought and sold by millionaires and treated by them simply as pieces of private property ( which is ' of course , what they are ) , demonstrates how difficult it is for an active and effective democracy to coexist with monopoly capitalism .
26 Before the Appellate Committee Mr. Newman however relied on certain additional points which had apparently been raised by him before the Divisional Court , but which the court did not in the circumstances find it necessary to consider in its judgment .
27 Thus in Greater London and the South East , where unemployment is relatively low , it is lower ( and , indeed , to man-up for some events several organisations find it necessary to bus people in from other parts of the country ) , whilst in certain northern conurbations , where unemployment is high , it rises correspondingly .
28 Farmers near towns , for example , usually find it necessary to pay higher wages in order to obtain sufficient workers , yet farmers near towns do not receive higher prices for their produce .
29 Find it necessary to check these Inroads " .
30 ‘ What I do n't understand is what you 're doing here , or why you find it necessary to be so rude . ’
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