Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 But this issue has not been the subject of legislation , nor previously been considered by this court or the House of Lords , and in such circumstances the alternatives are either to dismiss the appeal despite the relevance of article 10 and wait for Parliament to reconsider the state of the law ; or , as the courts have from time to time demonstrated their ability and willingness to do , venture into relatively unchartered waters and declare the present state of the law .
2 I am not , after all , ’ she said , looking around her domain with a distinct smile , ‘ running a house of ill repute , which is what I fear the present title of Madame seems to suggest , along with bead curtains , red velvet plush love seats , champagne buckets and other such fittings and accoutrements which are not our style at all these days .
3 When you say slightly larger will it be more visible or , I mean the present one is partially hidden in actual fact .
4 As I say the present day er premier just now is actually trying to do the same thing as a repeat performance
5 Hence it remains necessary to explain in further detail the present legal provisions and to highlight some of the problems to which they can give rise .
6 I want a present Ian .
7 As a consequence , they are likely to be faced with the necessity of balancing priorities — within the various demands being made upon them by the inchoate changes which characterize the present assessment climate .
8 Until we remove the present government from Westminster , then Europe is going to struggle to do us a great deal of good .
9 Their god is Carpe Diem — ‘ Seize the present day ’ .
10 The model shows that unless there is ‘ compensatory management ’ , then damming the rivers will turn the lake saline , reduce its level , kill the present vegetation and effectively banish the birds .
11 Most of the bronze statues which line the present bridge were added in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
12 By contrast , the accounting treatment of R&D appears to be a non-issue for most company accountants ; they almost universally support the present practice of immediate write-off of all R&D expenditure .
13 Abolish the present inheritance tax and make recipients pay on gifts above a certain band as income .
14 The solution is for people to get back into touch , to ‘ utterly break the present great picture of a normal humanity … and fall again into true relatedness ’ ( ‘ Review ’ , 470 — 2 ) .
15 The remains of these figures resemble the present west pediment in style .
16 There was William Foreman , a pioneer of the Amalgamated Society of Railway Servants , Alexander Wilkie , the general secretary of the Associated Society of Shipwrights and former MP for Dundee , and there were John Wilson and William Crawford of the Durham Miners , both Members of Parliament for divisions of the County Palatine in the 1880s , not to mention one of the most respected leaders of his day , Robert Knight of the Boilermakers to whom we owe the present day Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions .
17 Keep death , and heaven , and hell in view ; Begin the present year , anew .
18 From the point of view of social and economic policy I believe we face a choice : either we accept the present trends which will lead inevitably to a decline in individual freedom and responsibility and the restriction of opportunities for our children and grandchildren or else we face the seemingly impossible task of dismantling the corporate state .
19 Those last few words describe the present position .
20 Your Board has also , of course , looked very hard at how it would ensure we maintain the present secure and friendly image of Abbey National .
21 This would preserve people 's ability to take payment method into account when choosing their jobs , and maintain the present guarantee for existing workers that their payment method can not be changed against their will .
22 They recommended we maintain the present scoring system .
23 You are bristling with anticipation as you know the present contract which Plastic Foods has with Clearprint , your closest competitor , is up for renewal .
24 There is , in theory , an 8-week time limit between committal and trial on indictment , but that rule may be dispensed with by the Crown Court and the following figures indicate the present position .
25 In following the above approaches , there may be a tendency to design in terms of applications which mirror the present requirements of the business .
26 It seems clear that if we pursue the present forms of control the judiciary will inevitably continue to be embroiled in decision-making which is of a broadly political nature in a double sense .
27 I assume the present senior chief inspector will produce his annual report next year .
28 ‘ I decide the present case upon a single ground , namely , that there are no facts set out in the statement of claim which fix the defendants with liability for breach of duty as carriers of passengers .
29 Finally we outline the present scope of Articles 85 and 86 as applied to mergers .
30 Routine decisions allow the present system to keep going to keep the status quo .
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