Example sentences of "[det] a century " in BNC.

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1 It is said to have been the biggest women 's gathering since suffrage days , a little more than half a century before …
2 Through extensive interviews , it focuses on the lives of 15 British men and women , aged between 70 and 90 , who have dedicated half a century or longer to working for social change and justice .
3 The Clapham accident of December 1988 , the first for half a century in Britain due to the failure of the signalling , appalled the public in demonstrating how poor morale and discipline were in a vital part of the service at a key point .
4 1983 witnessed the opening on 16 May of the first stretch of new main line built for over half a century — the 23.5km Selby Diversion line , replacing the former main line via Selby which closed completely between York Chaloner 's Whin Junction and Selby North Junction .
5 MacCabe and Heath had studied in Paris , and Signs of the Times has its niche in postwar cultural history , marking the first major re-entry of French intellectual influences since Eliot 's adherence to Remy de Gourmont and the French neoclassicists , half a century earlier .
6 Half a century later , such commentary as there is on Pound 's poem is still for the most part concerned with this question that for Bunting ‘ does not arise ’ .
7 And nearly half a century later , when The Cantos would tail off ( not discreditably ) in ‘ Drafts and Fragments ’ , Pound would still be purveying the same message , in terms of ‘ the gardens of Proserpine ’ , the mineral and metallic gardens that Proserpine according to the myth created in the underworld , to duplicate as ‘ art ’ the springing herbage that she inspired in spring and summer through her six months in the overworld .
8 Wilson said it all when he said ‘ after half a century of democratic advance , the whole process has ground to a halt with a fourteenth earl ’ .
9 The rise bucked the trend , caused by over-supply and stagnant demand , which has depressed cocoa prices to their lowest in real terms in half a century .
10 Unlike Poland or Hungary , East Germany has no nationalism upon which to fall back , as the dogmas of nearly half a century evaporate .
11 In a career spanning half a century Davis appeared in numerous major films but practically no great ones , a distinction that , in truth , may have been irrelevant to an actress for whom the role , rather than the film encompassing it , was primordial .
12 For the separatists , IME offers escape from the system — political as well as economic — which has imprisoned their nation for half a century .
13 Half a century ago Mr Guerra , a fellow Andalucian , would have fought a duel over this remark , but he is happy , come the 29 October elections , to crush Mr Pacheco 's party into the ash-white earth of Jerez .
14 The great obstacle , however , to a withering away of the state pension is the fact that , although in economic reality current pensions are paid from current contributions and other taxes , the state pension scheme has been institutionalised as a structure of vested rights or expectations stretching forward over half a century .
15 Their speciality was tunes like In Sans Souci — to remind Twenties Berliners of that nice Sunday afternoon tram ride they could take out to Frederick the Great 's summer palace at Potsdam — a trip no West Berliner has been able to take for half a century .
16 Within three years , his 90 wickets helped bring Trent Bridge its first championship in over half a century .
17 After half a century of rejection by the Arab world , Israelis have reason to doubt whether handing back the territories they captured in 1967 would make any lasting difference to Arab attitudes .
18 Without some clear thinking about what Europeans and Americans still need from one another , the transatlantic partnership that has kept Europe safe for half a century will break apart .
19 Half a century ago , sincere East European communists expected liberation from the Nazis and the arrival of socialism to be ‘ a big bang followed by eternal happiness ’ , in the sardonic words of Jacek Kuron , a Polish Solidarity activist .
20 The smell , when he opened the front door , took him back half a century .
21 Half a century after his death he was paid the unusual tribute of becoming the subject of a feature film .
22 To the east of Carthage in Libya sharp disputes between the monarchian followers of Sabellius and upholders of the Logos theology occurred half a century after Tertullian 's time .
23 And there was nothing apocryphal about what her undutiful son was to say , half a century later , in his book Basilikon Doron , when he wrote of how his grandfather had been punished by God for his immorality , for his infant sons had predeceased him , and he died ‘ leaving a double curse behind him to the land , both a Woman of sex , and a new borne babe of age to reign over them ’ .
24 And the Protestants ' only hope of redressing the imbalance of power created by the French lay in turning to the English , even though they well knew that protestations of Anglo-Scottish friendship and desire for union in no way wiped out the instinctive hostility between Scots and English which ran so deep that half a century later it would still cause grievous problems for the first king of Britain .
25 In 1896 it had been well over half a century since Parliament had made specific grants to build parish churches and if Church schools got grants they did so as voluntary , not as Church schools : Roman Catholic , Methodist and ‘ British ’ schools were equally entitled to the grants .
26 It was a conquest which would be theirs for more than half a century .
27 Perhaps it might be disputed whether , after living in the USA for nearly half a century , Miss McPartland is still British .
28 But nearly half a century of neglect has left the former DDR 's network in a no less lamentable state of collapse .
29 Half a century ago , the whole country was alive with rumours of invasion .
30 The likely truth lies in those still-sealed files on chemical warfare experiments — but the riddle of Shingle Street refuses to be buried after more than half a century .
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