Example sentences of "[adv] carefully as " in BNC.

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1 I think a lot of the current concern about schools being accountable is partly because things that in fact are being done are not being seen to be done , and I think if many of the things that we already done were more obviously being seen to be done , and perhaps also thought through rather more carefully as to how they were being done , the public would feel generally erm happier about what was going on in their schools than perhaps they are at the moment .
2 And , Tim , you and I ought to have a we 're not actually going to have a formal session on self-study , but we have another we have a rather loosely structured session when we can bring up any other matters for erm basically that they 'll want to plan the video session rather carefully as well basically I think we want to follow in on yesterday 's meeting — we want to find out why we 're not selling more videos basically and use the whole of that session if necessary for exploring with the area managers why we 're not doing twice or three times as well as we are .
3 ‘ I was going as carefully as I could because I had a 25-second cushion over Berger so I was able to slow down a bit and the pain eased .
4 Nothing would be pleasanter than not having to make people redundant , not having to close a factory , but your job is to take the decisions when you have assessed the evidence as carefully as you can and not to shirk them .
5 Tony Mason , who has weighed up both the composition and the behaviour of Victorian and Edwardian football crowds as carefully as the sketchy evidence permits , suggests that skilled workers were disproportionately dominant within the crowd .
6 All this is evidence , if any were needed , that the allies must tiptoe as carefully as possible in this region of broken pride and prickly sensitivities .
7 Then there are the containers themselves which have to be chosen as carefully as the plants that will be grown in them .
8 ‘ The trattoria sent it late , sir , ’ Wilson gasped , putting the tray down as carefully as she could manage , longing to escape from the room .
9 Museums catalogue them as carefully as paintings .
10 The posture is organised as carefully as the length of the red tags or the Sta-prest or the hair .
11 ‘ Perhaps I never read Paradise Lost as carefully as I should have , ’ he said .
12 Provided that they have done so , and that the child has been matched with them as carefully as possible so that they can best meet his or her needs , their situation is likely to be no different from that of any other family with teenagers .
13 Weigh up the alternatives as carefully as you can and draw logical conclusions .
14 Think about the shape of the flowers that you are pressing and try to place the blotting paper on top of them as carefully as possible to ensure that they will lie flat under the weights , because once they are permanently pressed you can not start again .
15 The sky needs to be worked as carefully as the tiniest twig or grass .
16 It is simply what presents itself to Moose as the truth when he reflects as carefully as he can , and what he therefore expects to present itself likewise to others .
17 When a nova is found , it is important to follow it as carefully as possible , and binoculars can be very helpful indeed , particularly as most bright novæ remain within binocular range for some time .
18 Anxious to proceed as carefully as possible the Procuratia has engaged the conservation firm Syremont ( part of the Ferruzzi-Montedison group ) to assess the damage and how it can be stabilised .
19 He took Sotheby 's into the art financing business , and directed staff to cultivate potential buyers at least as carefully as they had hitherto cultivated sellers .
20 Unattended and unrepresented claimants ' appeals did not appear to be tested as carefully as those of attended and represented claimants .
21 The earliest industrial sites are now often looked after as carefully as those of abbeys and castles .
22 Put another way , she had been plucked and prepared for meetings like this as carefully as a goose is dressed for the oven .
23 The intensity of Comfort 's concentration was almost palpable and Julia lay as still as she could and breathed as carefully as her sodden lungs would allow so as not to disturb her .
24 The buzzard flew to the king 's palace , waited , perching in an oak tree , until the princess came out for her evening stroll , and then picked her up and carried her back to the forest , holding her as carefully as if she were made of rose petals .
25 Since he looked after her as carefully as he did the rest , the princess too was happy to share their life in the forest .
26 And the buzzard , who had been waiting hidden in the branches of- an oak tree , swooped down , picked her up as carefully as if she were made of rose petals , and carried her back to the forest .
27 ‘ You may find this job a little … unusual , ’ he said , choosing his words as carefully as he picked his way through stacks of jerrycans , bundles of wire , and anonymous green sacks .
28 Bedroom lighting needs to be planned just as carefully as that elsewhere in your home if it 's to provide the right atmosphere and be practical .
29 Although she knew that he would n't wake , she turned the handle of the door as carefully as if expecting it to explode .
30 He had taken a sample of blood from the plump flaccid arm , feeling for the vein as carefully as if she could still flinch at the needle 's prick .
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