Example sentences of "[adv] widely as " in BNC.

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1 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
2 But there is no agreement on the way these costs should be calculated and estimates vary so widely as to make them practically meaningless .
3 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
4 Even then , there may be limits to an exclusion — if it is drawn so widely as to protect a party from all liability , even for total non-performance , its effect may be that the party has promised nothing ; there is therefore no contract , or at best only a unilateral one .
5 However , it may also be that if the clause is drawn so widely as to be capable of applying in unreasonable circumstances , or if it purports to exclude a liability which can not be excluded under the Act , the court may find it unreasonable to apply it to other circumstances ( see Walker v Boyle [ 1982 ] 1 All ER 634 ) .
6 On occasions the fruits of such temporalities were earmarked for particular royal projects or expenditure , such as the building of the Welsh castles , and the temptation was for the king to define ‘ temporalities ’ ever more widely as his burdens increased .
7 The student would need to read as widely as possible in different kinds of poetry , to learn something about literary history , genre , and convention , and to acquire the practical-critical skills of close reading .
8 It highlights our determination to spread opportunity as widely as possible .
9 Great care was taken to see that this work was disseminated as widely as possible .
10 Consequently , part of their strategy was to diffuse the leadership of the movement as widely as possible .
11 When darkness fell , the men drove off up the escarpment and made for the rendezvous , spreading themselves out as widely as possible .
12 Circulate them as widely as possible .
13 It should be available in libraries and as widely as possible , because the principles expressed are significant well beyond the field of boron chemistry .
14 This has taken a number of forms and has not spread as widely as some of its supporters might have hoped .
15 Evidence of extent of planning programmes varied as widely as did descriptions of training undertaken .
16 The financial problems of the elderly differ from one person to another as widely as do their health problems , so it is not possible to lay down any hard and fast rules , or to produce any magical solutions .
17 A weekly Burmese paper called Khit Thit was also published and distributed as widely as possible throughout the country .
18 ‘ A free and independent society is one in which the ownership of property is spread as widely as possible ’ according to the 1983 Conservative Election Manifesto .
19 A free and independent society is one in which the ownership of property is spread as widely as possible …
20 Stand up straight and circle both arms as widely as possible first forwards and then backwards .
21 Mainstream social administration opinion , inevitably constrained by fiscal orthodoxy , political considerations , and the wage structure , argued that the relaxations of means-testing which were introduced in 1924 had , in Wilson and Mackay 's somewhat disingenuous verdict , ‘ extended non-contributory pensions as widely as the system permitted ’ .
22 Thus , both radicals and élitists have severely shaken the early certainty about the worthwhileness of attempts to disseminate liberal culture as widely as teachers ' skills and school conditions permitted .
23 The purpose of these ports was to spread out American naval forces so that a sneak attack could not cripple the fleet , although others suggested that their intent was actually to spread the pork as widely as possible .
24 AIS is an information service with a job , and that is to spread its precious data as widely as possible in order to make aviation safer for us all .
25 By treating his subject as widely as possible , by seeing it in terms of the history of war , rather than as the more narrowly defined military history , the modern student will come to understand it in its many facets and complexities .
26 It will now be essential for Sony and its allies to maintain the gathering momentum and to spread its influence as widely as possible if their impressive new platform is to become — as they hope and intend — the de facto world standard for electronic book publishing in the 1990s and beyond .
27 The cost of developing new innovative products is extremely high ; companies must be able to defray the high front-end cost associated with translating inventions into commercially successful products by marketing them as widely as possible around the world .
28 The politics of representation are of fundamental concern to the movement , even if we interpret both words — ‘ politics ’ and ‘ representation ’ — as widely as possible .
29 8.4 All means possible should be used to raise the level of awareness in the general population by use of the media , providing publicity material for voluntary groups etc 8.5 The SHEG guide " Coping with Dementia — A Handbook for Carers " should be distributed as widely as possible to all carers .
30 Like a good gardener , you scatter the seeds — your applications — as widely as possible and hope that some at least fall on fertile ground .
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