Example sentences of "[adv] quickly when " in BNC.

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1 In summary , what we term the ‘ third generation ’ of swept wings , are those with the myriad gimmicks and fancy names among the hundreds of stunters that emerged so quickly when common availability of carbon tubes made the rigid frame possible .
2 This , and the kitten 's inability to move away quickly when the male mounts it , act as sexual signals to the over-excited tom-cat and seal the fate of the unfortunate kitten .
3 Then he pulled her towards him and asked her to give him a kiss , but she pulled away quickly when she saw Mum 's scowl .
4 Probably most of those surviving were reasonably active , as they would die rather quickly when they succumbed to their first serious illness at this stage of life .
5 This would result in his rhythms running more slowly when he was interested and more quickly when he was bored ( because he would go to bed earlier due to the lack of something interesting to do and so require less sleep ) .
6 Both grass and clovers recover and grow more quickly when grazed hard for a short period and then rested for two to three weeks than they do under continuous nibbling .
7 Recent experiments using chicks as ‘ predators ’ , and coloured , distasteful crumbs as prey , indicate that although the chicks at first eat the brightly coloured , aposematic , crumbs more quickly than cryptic ( inconspicuous ) crumbs , they also learn to avoid distasteful crumbs more quickly when they are brightly coloured than when they are cryptic ( Figure 1 ) .
8 They are attracted to a warm , soft area of wall and floor large enough for them all to lie in , and they find it more quickly when it is brightly lit .
9 Decisions are often reached more quickly when a chairperson is doing their role effectively and pulling strands together than when opinions are being tossed haphazardly around a group .
10 ‘ We must say ‘ no ’ more finally in the cases where there is no real scope for argument and ‘ yes ’ more quickly when ‘ yes ’ is the right answer , ’ he said .
11 He worked off some of the anger by berating Tom Hanks for not having Vulcan ready more quickly when he ordered that the horse be prepared for a ride .
12 The governor of the Bank of England , Robin Leigh Pemberton , had also come under intense criticism for not acting more quickly when he became aware of fraud within BCCI .
13 I mean , I moved quite quickly when I saw Felstead had gone .
14 ‘ The track was drying out quite quickly when I did my best lap particularly on the climb up towards Casino Square where most of the cars are on full throttle for most of the time .
15 ‘ Sure , we can adapt and get the ball forward quickly when needs be , but that 's all about having the variety to cope with any situation .
16 You grow old very quickly when every day of your life you 're trying to win arguments .
17 The trousers are not water resistant , but do dry very quickly when wet .
18 Personally , I do not find it objectionable , and in any case the smell goes off very quickly when it comes into contact with the soil and bacteria get to work on it .
19 Glaxo has since delayed the launch to await product approvals but it 's a massive project and will take out rigid packaging business forward very quickly when it comes on stream — probably late this year .
20 Louder banging is likely to be water ‘ hamruer ’ , caused by water being shut off too quickly when a tap or valve is closed .
21 Frank Gray flopped all too quickly when his predecessor might have succeeded in taking the same squad to safety .
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