Example sentences of "[adv] let [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 One woman had a friend who constantly let her down for appointments , a lunch , an evening out , by either not turning up , being very late or changing dates at the last minute .
2 The guards at the palace 's main gate swiftly let them through but , as they debouched out of the tree-lined path front of the palace , a gruesome sight awaited them .
3 ‘ T-t-two s-sevens are f-f-fourteen , ’ gasped Rupert , whereupon the Trunchbull , true to her word , opened her hand and quite literally let him go .
4 The years of his longest sentence , from 1979 to 1983 ( incurred for setting up , in admiring imitation of the Polish KOR , a Czech Committee to Defend the Unjustly Prosecuted ) were punctuated by other , sometimes painfully absurd episodes : for example the day the Interior Ministry 's men relented sufficiently to allow him to attend his father 's funeral , and then inadvertently let him be surrounded by a tight scrum of friends who brought him up to date with all the latest political news .
5 Well if you want anything er er photocopied or put together let me know wo n't you ?
6 Complete Works is , in some ways , easier to use and incorporates some nice ideas , but the problems I had trying to link charts , table and spreadsheets together let it down in the end .
7 Together let us shine . ’
8 Actually they perhaps let us go back on them then
9 It was hard , travelling home in that bus , and surrounded by the immense , evident , and varied liberties of people and land , to believe in the small impossibilities of her own home , and she felt , as she so frequently felt , the will to believe it to be different : the truth was too grotesque and too unnatural , and her hopes were so strong that she carelessly let them wander a little , giving them a little leeway , letting them sniff and pry and explore .
10 He suddenly let her go , turning away impatiently and pressing a bell .
11 He only let her see what he wanted her to see , gave no hint of what he was really like , not the man inside .
12 Use a sunscreen with a SPF greater than 10 from 6 months onwards , and then only let them stay in the sun for short periods .
13 Colin and John wish to thank White 's Electronics for the posters , key-rings and badges they supplied and Denise Rushton , who not only let them have exhibition space free of charge , but also travelled from Leicester to Telford to meet them on the day .
14 He shouted her name , but she only let him in after he threatened to kick down the door .
15 Only let him reach Eretz ; Palestine was his star of hope , his refuge .
16 Only let him reach Eretz .
17 Only let him reach Eretz .
18 Only let me past the walls and I ask no more . ’
19 ‘ I do n't know if it should be that important if everything we do is based on good sound scientific principles , because if people perhaps in the same industry are situated in different places in the estuary , y'know , if one was to point the finger at the other and say ‘ But you allow him to discharge such and such and you only let us do this ’ , then we should be able to turn round and say , ‘ Ah yes , but you 're discharging in a different place and the river quality in this different place needs different treatment . ’
20 They only let us out for baths if there was enough staff , otherwise you had to have a strip wash .
21 Perhaps he still identified himself with the man who bought a duffel cloak for Alice Fell ( see Critical Survey , p. 118 ) ; he instructed his daughter to buy the child a doll — ‘ only let it be a good big one ’ .
22 You only let it out to the girls because you got a shock when they said they 'd seen .
23 I 'm as open minded and honest about my dogs as any dog owner , so let me tell you that I have the most beautiful , most gentle , most serious and most feminine Golden Retriever that ever lived .
24 So let me lay before you my own ideas , most of which have come from the practical application of regression therapy with a wide variety of patients who came to consult me for an even wider variety of reasons .
25 So let me spell out a few more advantages you may not have realised before :
26 So let me turn to an issue , less Earth shattering , but no less vexatious — the keeping of mink in Shetland .
27 I know that Robert Lowell got into terrible trouble for quoting private letters in his poetry , but all this happened abroad , so let me quote a phrase from it : ‘ The earthquake was awful .
28 So let me leave you with a few wise words .
29 So let me add mine — thank you very very much .
30 This is an important and also a difficult point , so let me try to make it clearer .
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